Where Do You Want To Be?

Where do you want to be in 5 years?  In 10 years?

How many times have you asked or been asked those questions?

Where do you want to be in your business?

Long-range planning is important.  God often gives us a vision for what He wants to do through us way out in the future. In Habukkuk 2:2, He tells us to write those things on a tablet so we don’t lose heart.  (Who knew the Israelites had iPads??)

But focusing only on long-range goals and plans can lead to frustration when our progress seems small and slow.  We lose focus when we don’t feel the momentum. 

We allow other things to distract us because, really, with years to accomplish something, what’s one month off in the big scheme of things?

But if you want to reach that 5 or 10 year goal, the things you do today will influence your ability to get there.

So what if we asked a different question?

That seems like such a short time.  Not enough time to accomplish significant results when the dream is so big.

But don’t sleep on those results.  In three months you could:

  • Launch a blog
  • Write the first draft of a book
  • Lose 20 pounds
  • Pay off your smallest debt
  • Save up for a special trip
  • Go from couch to 5K

String a few of those three months together, and all of a sudden, your big goal is starting to seem possible.

Setting three-month goals is as much about learning to be disciplined and consistent as it is about results.  You don’t have time to mess around.

If you have a three-month goal in sight, these three strategies will help you get there.


With such a short time to accomplish something meaningful, you’ll need to be laser-focused on your goal.  You may need to remove or temporarily set aside other activities and responsibilities.

This is the time to call in reinforcements.  Can a family member help with things around the house?  Can a friend handle your volunteer responsibilities at church?  How about a co-worker taking some tasks off your plate?  It’s time to put your blinders on and stay focused on the goal.


God made us to do life, work and ministry together.  When we work on goals in isolation, we offer the enemy the opportunity to get in our heads with all kinds of negative messages.  I don’t know about you, but my head gets scary enough with any extra input.

Find yourself a group of friends working on similar goals.  You’ll find that you all face similar struggles, you hit the wall at the same point and the extra tool or resource that helped one person will likely help the others.  There is strength in numbers.  Use that strength to hold each other up.


Often when people want accountability, they are really thinking of a cheerleader. 

Like on that day when you binged Netflix instead of writing your book chapter, you wanted your accounta-cheerleader to step in with pom poms blazing. 

“That’s alright! That’s ok! You can write it any day!”

Or maybe a drill sergeant comes to mind.

“Drop and give me 500 words!”

Real accountability doesn’t allow excuses or pile on shame.  It offers tough grace that says,

“You had a busy day with the kids yesterday and needed a rest. Now let’s make a plan for some quiet writing time tomorrow.”

Find someone who is willing to get in the mud of your bad habits and waning motivation with you and drag you out of it.

With focus, community and accountability, you’ll accomplish more in three months than you ever imagined.  And you won’t need a super-fast tablet for that vision to come into view.

Christa Hutchins uses tough grace to equip busy communicators and leaders with project management and problem solving skills so they can turn their big ideas into a successful ministry or business.  She lives in south Louisiana with her husband in their delightfully empty nest. Visit her at doanewthing to download other free resources for go-getter Jesus girls.

Join us at 3:30 PM Central time as Christa and Susan discuss Finding Calm in this process on GraceAndTruthRadio.World.  Or download the GraceAndTruthRadio.World App to stream it!

Christa is my “go-to girl” when I need someone to help me with accountability. She holds your hand to help you stand firm as you build the next new thing. Remember to visit her at doanewthing to download your free resources, you go-getter Jesus girl.

Oh by the way, it’s the LAST DAY for BC Stack 2019. Grab yours now. I’m excited to dig into the Facebook Live course valued at $495…for $39! Plus there are two more courses that are on my priority list. So good! Tell me please – what did you find that you want to implement?

BC Stack 2019. Last day $39

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