You are a Treasured Child of an Honorable Father

Treasured child. I’m honored to feature Katie M. Reid’s writing here today for each one of you, for you truly are a treasured child…

Are you living like a slave of an anger Master or like a treasured child of your Heavenly Father?

Are you living like a slave of an anger Master or like a treasured child of your Heavenly Father? Get your copy of the Beloved Daughter's Decree today.

If we choose to receive Jesus as our Savior, by faith, then we are beloved children and God has promised us a delightful spiritual inheritance.

There are two key truths found in Deuteronomy 8 that can help us possess what is ours as we enter the territory that belongs to us as dear children of God:

  1. God fulfills His promises.

In Genesis 13:15 and 17 God gave a promise to Abram:

For all the land which you see, I will give it to you and to your descendants forever. Arise, walk about the land through its length and breadth; for I will give it to you (NASB).

God promised His people a land of their own, as part of His covenant with their forefather Abraham. God was faithful to keep His word:

Go in and possess the land which the LORD swore to give to your forefathers (Deuteronomy 8:1, NASB).

God reminds His people what He had done in the past: how He led them in the wilderness, how He fed them, how He provided for them, how He disciplined them, how He treated them as children (see Deuteronomy 8:1-5).

God provided as a good Father does, and His children’s role was to receive what they had been given, with active participation.

God delivered His kids from slavery and gave them an inheritance. And not because they deserved it but because they were His.

In light of this, we can settle into what belongs to us as we remember that God fulfills His promises. We honor our Dad by doing our part, and possessing what is ours because of His doing.

And so he brought them to the border of his holy land, to the hill country his right hand had taken. He drove out nations before them and allotted their lands to them as an inheritance; he settled the tribes of Israel in their homes (Psalm 78:54-55, NIV).

  1. God gets the credit for who He is and what He does.

It’s tempting to take credit for the good that happens in our life and to blame others (or God) for the bad that happens. However, in Deuteronomy 8:7-10, we see that God is the one who brings His people into the good land that He promised.

It was God’s doing and He is the one worthy of thanks and praise for making it happen.

God commands His people to take possession of what He provided for them. Faith was required as they moved forward. They were warned not to become proud and not to forget what He had done on their behalf.

If we have believed in Jesus and received Him by faith then we are in right standing with God. We don’t deserve His goodness, yet He gives it. We haven’t earned His favor, yet we have it.

Are you living like a slave of an anger Master or like a treasured child of your Heavenly Father? Get your copy of the Beloved Daughter's Decree today.

Our position as God’s beloved sons and daughters (forgiven and freed) is not based on our behavior but on Christ’s righteousness; not our worthiness but His faithfulness, not our ability but His power, not our good works but His grace alone.

So whether we experience suffering or success, hardship or abundance, dry seasons or lush pastures, God’s love for us does not change.

Can I get an “Amen?”

Want to know more about what’s yours, in Christ? Head over to to access the Beloved Daughter’s Decree.

While you’re there check out Katie’s new book to learn more about how loved you are: Made Like Martha: Good News for the Woman Who Gets Things Done.

 Are you living like a slave of an anger Master or like a treasured child of your Heavenly Father? Get your copy of the Beloved Daughter's Decree today.

Katie M. Reid encourages others to find grace in the unraveling of life at She is a devoted wife, mom to five loud children, and a fan of cut-to-the-chase conversations over iced tea. She is also a national speaker and author of Made Like Martha: Good News for the Woman Who Gets Things Done (which includes a bonus 5-week bible study).


Subscribe to Katie’s blog for weekly encouragement to help you breathe deeply and walk freely.

You can also connect with Katie here:

Are you living like a slave of an anger Master or like a treasured child of your Heavenly Father? Get your copy of the Beloved Daughter's Decree today.



Pssst – Can I share a secret here? I encourage you to comment below. One lucky winner will receive a copy of Made Like Martha from Katie!

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13 thoughts on “You are a Treasured Child of an Honorable Father

  1. So thankful that God loves us just the way we are. We can’t change ourselves, but He can gently guide and lead and He changes hearts. He’s always there for us and will never leave. Blessings! Thanks for sharing with us at the #LMMLinkup!

  2. There is nothing we need to do to earn God’s favor. It is already ours. For years I got this backward. I walked in obedience to earn God’s favor in stead of walking in my identity as His child and from that comes obedience. Great truth!

  3. “Our position as God’s beloved sons and daughters (forgiven and freed) is not based on our behavior but on Christ’s righteousness; not our worthiness but His faithfulness, not our ability but His power, not our good works but His grace alone.” Amen, Katie! Congrats on you new book!

  4. This lesson itself is SO good! “God commands His people to take possession of what He provided for them.” But lots of good stuff here. Thanks.

  5. I love this, Susan: “Not because they deserved it but because they were His.” God loves us because He chooses to do so. That’s such a wonderful, humbling thought. This is a great reminder of God’s love for us. 🙂

  6. “Take possession of what God has provided to us.” I’m stuck on this phrase and the power and freedom it carries for each of us. How much we miss and aren’t even aware.

  7. Hi Susan. This is my first time here. I really enjoyed your post today. I especially loved this: “Our position as God’s beloved sons and daughters (forgiven and freed) is not based on our behavior but on Christ’s righteousness; not our worthiness but His faithfulness, not our ability but His power, not our good works but His grace alone.” It is not anything we do that earns us God’s love so that we don’t get too full of ourselves. It is, as you said, grace alone.

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