“Oh My Heartsie Girls “Wonderful” Wednesday’s Linky Party #89:❢
Our Co-Hosts make the choices for our features each week, lots of inspiration to share:❢
Your Links Are Seen On 10 blogs this week❢
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Oh My Heartsie Girl & My Co-Hosts Welcome you all❢
❢ #OMHGWW Starts Early Because Somewhere Its About Wednesday❢
And if you looking for something special from last week
:❢:❢ All The Entries Here :❢:❢
Whether you are returning or first time to our party~Welcome~AKA Wordless Wednesday now called
Wonderful Wednesday Party, since we’re anything but wordless….
♥~Our Pinterest Board For All Our WW Features~♥
We hope while you Party With Us you will follow our
Host and Co-Hosts This Week!
♥Karren-Host / Oh My Heartsie Girl / Are You Thinking About Wicker Furniture for Spring 2016
It’s getting close to spring and time to plan for outdoors and our yards and gardens.
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♥Co-Host Shellie/ Fabulous Journey / The FABulous Journey – Celebrating One Year/Bring out the band…The FABulous Journey is celebrating one year!
♥Co-Host Christine Mello / Must Love Home / How To Cut Your Grocery Bill By Hundreds
Do you dream of ways to save more money on groceries for your family?
For many of us, our food bill each month is only second to our mortgage or rent.
Follow these smart tips and see your grocery budget stretched by hundreds of dollars.
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♥Co-Host Evija Roberts/ From Evija With Love/Let the Spring into Your Home with These Simple Tips
Here are some simple tips on how to let the spring into your home
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♥Co-Host Donna Wirthlin / Two Chicks And A Mom / How To Get The Most Out Of Your Doctors Visit /
As an RN and a patient, I want to get the most out of my time with my doctor. Here are some tips to help you do that, too. ALWAYS great to have a nurse prepare and guide us through planning for a doctor’s visit!
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♥Co-Host Ashleigh / Simply Wright / The Day My Throat Closed Up/Sharing a terrifying experience and what I’m doing next.
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♥Co-Host Sarah-Ann Hamlin / Living Intentionally Simple / Letting Go Of The “What Ifs” That’s Cluttering Your Life
Being more mindful & learning to let go of things that are cluttering your life
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♥Co-Host Christine Ryan /A Sprinkle of This and That
Triple Grilled Cheese Bites/Winter comfort food? A warm sandwich with a hot bowl of soup! Sounds Yummy to me!
These Triple Cheese Sandwiches are just what your next bowl of soup needs.
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♥Co-Host Indah / My Purple World /Tekwan – Indonesian Spicy Fish Soup/In a subzero weather like this,
nothing beats a bowl of yummy soup made with love :).
And Indonesia has a huge variety of delicious-till-the-last-drop soups, including Tekwan, the spicy fish ball soup
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♥Co-Host Susan B Mead /Relationship – Commitment or Facebook Comment?
Are you trying on your relationship or tying the know?
Is it a commitment or simply a Facebook comment? Or a covenant made to last a lifetime?
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Your Co-Hosts Picks From Last Week
Co-Host Pick by Christine Ryan of A Sprinkle of This and That /
Penny Lane / Lighter Chicken Burrito Bowl Oh, yes! Gotta make this… Co-Host Pick Sara-Ann Hamlin of Living Intentionally Simple/
LivingLavida Holoka/Mint Macha Marble Loaf
Co-Host Pick by Christine Mello of Must Love Home /
Our Peacful Planet/ Organize Office Supplies in Style
Co-Host Pick by Donna of Two Chicks and A Mom /
Chelsea Project/The Pantry Makeover
Co-Host Pick by Susan of Susan B Mead /
A Dish of Daily Life / 15-Easy Soups For The New Year
Co-Host Pick by Indah of My Purple World/
Living On Cloud Nine/ Red Velvet Cookies
Co-Host Evija Roberts of From Evija With Love
Worthing Court/How To Make a Rustic Ladder
Co-Host Shellie of Fabulous Journey / Cow Country Housewife/
Karren-Host / Oh My Heartsie Girl /
Kreativ K / DIY-Easy-Pallet-Shoe-Rack
Karren-Host / Oh My Heartsie Girl /
Sadie Seasongoods/ Ladder Back Scarf Rack
♥Disclaimer: When you add your link along with your email, it will be used only to send you an invitation to join us for the party. It also gives Oh My Heartsie Girl
or Co-Hosts permission to share your posts, pictures and links if featured in upcoming posts. Any content used will be given proper credit and link-backs will be provided.
I Would Love To Have You Join Me To Co-Host Wordless Wednesday-No Pressure⇒ ⌊Read More ⌋
But Now – Let’s Party! It’s Open for a Week
Share Your recipes, reviews, crafts, home decor, fashion posts,
jewelry, paper crafts and YES, Linky Parties and Giveaways.
Please Don’t Link and Run – Comments Are Welcome & Link-backs are Appreciated
And Please Feel Free To Pin A Few of Our Features
:❢ Click Here To Be Notified When Party Starts Each Week Unsubscribe Anytime:❢
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