New PPC Strategies For This Year

To keep getting results from your PPC strategy, you need to tweak and optimize your strategies. Step up your marketing for this year with these optimized PPC strategies. 

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Explore Microsoft Ads

Google Ads is the leader in PPC marketing. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t explore other options. For some businesses, using Microsoft Advertising could be well worth it. 

You could actually see more success with Microsoft Ads. Depending on the industry you’re in, there is often less competition on these platforms, which means a lower cost-per-click rate. Don’t just import your campaign over from Google Ads though, or you’ll miss out on the tools that other platforms have to offer. 

Microsoft Ads as:

  • Action extensions – add CTA buttons near your ad that link to a landing page.
  • Review extensions – feature reviews from third-party sites below your ad. 
  • LinkedIn targeting – see the reactions of your audience on LinkedIn so you can adjust your ads. 
  • Competition insight – find out how your visibility compares to your competition who show up for the same search queries. 

Pay Attention To Amazon Ads

Amazon advertising is another option for PPC. The audience that is covered by Google, Microsoft, and Facebook ads is massive, but people who see your ads on these platforms might not be in the decision stage of the buyer’s journey. 

The audience on Amazon, however, is usually closer to being ready to buy, which increases your chances of conversion. 

There are several types of sponsored ads on Amazon:

  • Products – keyword-targeted ads that allow you to promote a certain product. 
  • Brands – help promote your brand while showing up to three products in the ad. 
  • Display ads – send users who click on Amazon product detail pages to a custom landing page on Amazon or an external site. 

Take Advantage Of Responsive Search Ads

Responsive Search Ads have become popular very quickly since they first appeared in 2019. This is because the ads let you create 15 headlines and four descriptions for one ad. Google will test different combinations of these headlines and descriptions to choose which performs best. This is based on factors including:

  • Keywords searched for
  • Devices used
  • Browsing behavior

Responsive ads can save you time and money on A/B testing, while still letting to reach your target audience quickly and effectively. A PPC Management Agency can help you set up these ads. 

Revisit Your Keywords

When did you last take a proper look at your keywords? You should think about new strategies like expanding your current keyword lists, updating your negative keywords, and getting rid of keywords that are underperforming. 

Changing up your keywords could deliver real results. Even small changes like adding an adverb, removing a term with low search volume, or seeing which terms your competition is ranking for could help you to get more clicks and a higher return on investment. 

Check your user search term reports to find new keywords to add that you aren’t already using. Use Google Keyword Planner for more research and new campaigns.