
Have you ever asked, “Oh Lord, I need You now for I’m dealing with a mess?” We turn to our Messiah, Our Lord, for help. I do on a daily basis. You too?

[Tweet “Want to know more about the word Messiah and it’s meaning?”]

Liz Giertz hosts Word Nerd Wednesdays. Last year, she invited bloggers to select from her list of words to dig deep as we explored their meaning. I was thrilled to “get” the 4 words in December this year. Today we search the depths of the word Messiah.

Join us here.

And while you are here, may I wish you a Merry Christmas? May God guide you as He goes with you, wherever you go for this glorious holiday.

[Tweet “We celebrate the birth(day!) of God’s Son, our Messiah, Jesus Christ.”]

Seek Jesus first…

And if you would like to read a little more about going UP to Bethlehem to find the Messiah, click here.

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13 thoughts on “Messiah

  1. When I think of the word ‘Messiah’ this time of year the Christmas carol Hark the Herald Angels Sing immediately comes to mind. It’s such a great reminder of the joy of fulfilled anticipation. God has such a gracious way of meeting our every need, through the gift of His son.
    Susan, I pray that you and your family will have a beautiful, Spirit-filled Christmas. Wishing you God’s blessings in 2017!

    1. Oh Marva, what a blessing to read your prayer for me. It is so incredible to me how we can FEEL the Spirit move. Deep calls to deep. May God’s richest blessings be upon you in 2017. Hugs and Merry Christmas. Susan

  2. My favorite thing about the word “Messiah” is all the waiting that was behind it — the faithfulness of a people who believed and passed on a promise that they knew God would fulfill, and now we profit from and delight in all that was written and recorded about that promise!

    1. The waiting. In the good, bad and in between times, we wait, patiently – or not so much…! Yet the promise is there for us, as you so eloquently say Michele. Merry Christmas. May the anticipation of His coming fill you with peace and joy. Hugs, Susan

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