Sing Hosanna! – Linkup

May I invite you to sing Hosanna?!

My sweet friend, Liz Giertz, hosts the weekly Word Nerd Wednesdays at her website where she invites writers to don their nerdiness as they dig deep into Biblical words to share the insights discovered. And I got the MONTH of December this year.

[Tweet “So sing Hosanna with us today…”]

The beautiful word Hosanna, save us, we pray! echoes through the Gospels as Jesus enters Jerusalem one final time. Join us as we explore this magnificent word.

According to HELPS Word-studies, hosanna is a transliteration of the Hebrew term (hôsî-âh-nā) meaning “Oh, save now!” or “Please save!”

The –na suffix in Hebrew expresses intense emotionStrong’s Greek 5614

(hōsanná) comes from two Hebrew roots meaning, “Save now!” or “Save I pray!”.

In the Hebrew Bible, hôsî-âh-nā is used only in verses such as “help” or “save, I pray!” as in Psalm 118:25. Save us!

Of Hebrew origin (yasha’ and na’) means oh save! while hosanna (i.e. Hoshia-na) is an exclamation of adoration. Hosanna was originally a cry for help or happiness.


Hosanna occurs 6 times in the Bible – even in The Message. I love the symmetry of God and His Word.

The first time we see the word Hosanna shouted is in Matthew 21:9.

Matthew 21:9

The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!”

Adoration. Do you hear it? 

The beautiful word Hosanna, save us, we pray! echoes through the Gospels as Jesus enters Jerusalem one final time.

Click here to finish reading.

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Would you go to a mentor to learn to grow your audience, build a true community, market your book or product? You're invited!

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Now, would that be a great early Christmas gift to receive?


19 thoughts on “Sing Hosanna! – Linkup

  1. Pingback: Now
  2. Pingback: Joy
  3. We love the “Hide ‘Em in Your Heart” CDs by Steve Green around here and my 3-yr-old daughter’s favorite song on these is “Hosanna!” She’ll just sing it and sing it at random times during the day!

    1. Me either Julie! I love Liz’s Word Nerd Wednesdays as I learn so much (and the dictionary AND encyclopedias were my FAVORITE books as a kiddo…!)

  4. Oh Susan I want to join that group. I am a complete Word Nerd. Until the internet got really popular (I know, you think I’m too young to remember those days…lol) I kept a massive copy of the Strong’s Concordance nearby at all times 🙂 Is it by invitation or a linkup kinda thing?

  5. I love the words that I hear at Christmas time! At what other time can you turn on the radio to any old station and hear the words “alleluia” or “hosanna”! And they’re on our lips so much of the time!

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