Your Child’s Heart – Linkup

How to Win Your Child’s Heart for Life
8 Proven Strategies for Parents

Do you have children at home right now? If so, would you like to win your child’s heart for life?

Yea, me too – and Matt is 31! I still want to know that Matt’s heart is won by me; even more importantly, by his Father God.

Melanie Redd’s book, How to Win Your Child’s Heart for Life; 8 Proven Strategies for Parents is just that. PROVEN.

Do you have children at home right now? If so, would you like to win your child’s heart for life? Dig into Melanie Redd's book to be equipped.

The key to successful parenting is this – Win their hearts as little children and keep their hearts through their growing up years and you’ll have their hearts for life. Powerful truth. Yet there’s a time that overnight you go from Hero to Zero with your kiddos.

Are you prepared?

Learn how you keep the lines of communication open when you’ve morphed from best friend to worst enemy in the blink of an eye. Remember when you went through that phase? You literally went from wanting Mom and/or Dad there for everything to the polar opposite.

Go away.
Don’t embarrass me.
Leave me alone.
I’ll do it myself (kinda like that 2 year old stage)

Melanie calls the teen years the “Dark Side.” Her goal is to equip parents with strategies that keep the lines of communication open and to prepare us for the time that surly looks and snappy comebacks become the norm.

Do you want to be prepared?

I do – and Matt is an adult without children of his own – yet I still want his heart for life. And the hearts of any of his future children should there be any.

So let’s get prepared. Sit down with a cup of something comforting, snuggle into your favorite reading spot with a highlighter – or two, and dig into How to Win Your Child’s Heart for Life. I read it in one sitting as I could not put this treasure of a book down.

And what can you anticipate? Reaping a harvest of blessings with your kiddos.

Melanie gave me a copy of her book as a giveaway, so comment below – some random winner will be announced!

A little about the author:

Do you have children at home right now? If so, would you like to win your child’s heart for life? Dig into Melanie Redd's book to be equipped.

It’s pretty simple – Melanie Redd is a woman on a mission to offer hope!

Using God’s Word, practical illustrations, a little wit, and a whole lot of common sense, Melanie regularly have chances to offer encouraging instruction to other people.

For over 26 years now, Melanie has been married to Randy. They serve in full-time Christian ministry along with their two college-age children–Riley and Emily–in the Memphis, Tennessee area.

Get connected to Melanie.

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