How To Build Strong Relationships With Other Bloggers

If you’re a blogger, you’ll know how important it is for you to get your story out there into the world. Whether it is about your faith, or you simply want to share something about the latest beauty regime that you’ve found, you will soon find that there is a whole community of people out there who are interested in the same things as you. And isn’t that great? The beauty of blogging is that you can find other people who are just as passionate about something as you are, despite the fact that they may be living on the other side of the world. Here’s how.

New to blogging? Want to build community? Start here.

Spend time reading
The best thing that you can do as a blogger looking to make connections is to read other people’s blogs. Not only will this enable you to see what is really out there in your blogging field, but you’ll also be able to comment on other people’s posts, which is the first step towards making these valuable connections. The truth is that no relationships are ever made in the world of blogging without somebody reaching out first, and sometimes, you have to be that person. If you’ve really enjoyed another blogger’s post, then why not tell them? It could lead to a great friendship blossoming!

In the several years that I have been writing on my blog each week, it is wonderful to read the words of my newfound friends and see the community that has formed over the years. Now with my radio show each Friday at 3:30 PM Central time on hGraceAndTruthRadio.World, I’m getting to “meet” you too!

Share things with them
Yes, you want to make sure that your blog has unique content (which is what makes all of your readers come back time and time again) but you could benefit from sharing some of your ideas with your fellow bloggers. Look into workflow and document management software if you’re interested in passing documents to others, and see what brainstorming could do to help you to develop long-lasting relationships with your blogging peers. While you may think that an element of competitiveness is key (and we agree here) there is also something great about building a community based upon shared interests.

Write guest posts for one another
The mistake that you may be making in the world of blogging is that you’re only writing posts for your own blog. Sure, that is your number one priority, but you could form relationships with other bloggers (and boost your readership) by writing guest posts for those who have pages with similar themes to yours. Many blogs accept guest posts, and accepting them onto your page could benefit you, too. Not only does it help you to ensure that there is a wide variety of content on your blog, but it also facilitates discussions on a variety of topics, which will really bring some life onto your page!

So, if you want to make strong relationships with other bloggers, why not try out a few of these things? From ensuring that you keep reading other people’s blogs, to sharing information with other bloggers and writing guest posts (and accepting them, too), there are many ways to form friendships that will last a lifetime. There are so many people out there who care about the same things that you do, why not reach out-and make a new friend?

May God bless the work of your hands as you do a new thing.

Let the favor of the Lord our God be on us;
establish for us the work of our hands—
establish the work of our hands!

Psalm 90:17 (CSB)

With that said, would you like to write a guest post for me? I would welcome sharing your words. Let me make it easy for you-here are the guest post guidelines. Thank you! Remember, I’m headed into “lockdown” to write my dissertation, so I welcome your posts.

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23 thoughts on “How To Build Strong Relationships With Other Bloggers

  1. Great post and yes I totally agree that blogger connects are a must! They’re relationships built up over time and end up being more beneficial than you can imagine. Thanks for linking up with #OMHGWW and hope to see you next week.

  2. These are encouraging words, and thank you! I struggle to have the time to read other blogs…. in fact, it was before I started my blog that I said to myself, “Instead of spending all my time reading other blogs, I could be writing my own….” ahhh!

  3. Yes to all of these! The blogging community is wonderful. With being a homeschool mom and having some health challenges causing some fatigue, I can’t do as much as other bloggers. When I can, though, I love to visit other blogs and guest post. My favorite is collaboration. It feels like a team coming together to work in the Kingdom, and I love it!

  4. Great tips. It is difficult to connect sometimes or to make real friends blogger friends. I am sure your suggestions will help. Thank you for sharing with #OMHGWW

  5. Great post ideas. As someone who has blogged for a number of years blogging is all about relational tribe building. Having support to help share back and forth is a big help.
    Great tips and good luck on the dissertation!

  6. Great tips, Susan! It has taken some time, but I’m starting to develop deeper connections with other bloggers and it’s so enjoyable! It’s inspiring to see other bloggers grow, or to read a post that expresses my own heart far more eloquently than I ever could. It feels good to encourage others and be encouraged in return. There really is something special about the blogger community.

  7. Yes, connecting with other bloggers is a great thing because reading their blogs can enrich our lives while allowing them to write for out blogs can also enrich them with their unique views.

  8. Great tips, Susan! There is so much goodness in what others write, which makes it so much fun to read other bloggers’ blogs.

  9. Wonderful ideas! I love connecting with other bloggers. As a fairly new blogger, I look for support and encouragement from other bloggers. Thank you so much for sharing this.

  10. I really enjoy being able to comment on posts. I’m still new to blogging. It’s been about 4mths. I’m seeing how it’s so important to connect with others. I’ve wanted to do guest posts but I feel a little lost in how to do some of the formatting. I’m just about to convert to WordPress and then maybe once I learn more I’ll figure out how to do the guidelines. Great tips for me here today!!

  11. susan, when I first started blogging (a year ago) I didn’t realize how important it is to connect with other bloggers. It has been such a blessing to meet and interact with other writers (such as you!) to share thoughts and inspiration. It is the best part of blogging. Thank you!

  12. Great tips. After my bible time I look forward to reading other blogs. I have met a blogger in person and that was refreshing. I like commenting, but sometimes I’m at a loss for words, so I’ll simply share. And guest posting does provide great opportunities but sometimes I have to be picky.
    Excited for you as you complete your dissertation.

  13. Yes, some of the best writing happens in the comments section!
    And then, Susan, there’s the option of meeting “face to face” via Zoom! That was such a fun way to get better acquainted!

  14. Visiting other bloggers sites is such a fun part of this ministry! But I would love to meet so many in person for coffee and a chat! So blessed to have gotten to spend time with you in real life, Susan!

  15. Reading other people’s blogs is one of my favorite things, too. Especially when I read the same person again and again, I learn so much from them and about them! There is a ton of wisdom out here, including yours, Susan. 🙂

    1. I ditto Lisa’s words! God has used the people behind the blogs to make this writing and this world a better place for me. I have been amazed at the sweet caring I have received over the internet when Kenneth passed away last June and that care continues to this day! God is so good and faithful.
      Your words about ways we can connect is right-on!

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