Loving Mondays: Make Your Business a Better Place to Work

While all of the other business owners in your area and field are busy crunching numbers and trying to find a way to lower their expenses, you’re one step ahead. You’re making your business a better place to work. And that’s attractive.

Want a better place to work?

With the right kind of team to take your business further and a workplace that they wouldn’t let anyone drag them away from, you’ll always have the kind of talents you need to get the job done – and the reputation of your great business will spread rather quickly as well.

Put your heart and soul into every activity you do, as though you are doing it for the Lord himself and not merely for others.

Colossians 3:23 (TPT)

When we as business owners work as if for the Lord, we tend to attract talent that mirrors our work ethics and shares our faith. At least we pray we do, as that also helps create a better place to work.

It’s the kind of PR you want your business to enjoy, after all, and it will make it so much easier to fill the void in case one of your bright talents should choose to leave after all or should you decide to expand your business. Here is a handful of ways to make your business an even better place to work and make it a bit easier to fall in love with Mondays.

Image from: Pexels

Offer training programs

Employee training used to make sense when workers stay put in their job for years to come; as the new generation’s attention span is similar to that of a goldfish and turnover increases, does it really make sense for a manager to continue offering training?

The simple answer is yes – even though they might wake up one morning and decide to leave you for someone else. The trick is to attract the kind of employees who are likely to stay for a while in the first place, as well as to offer rewards to those who increase their learning on the job.

Attracting candidates who are likely to shoot for the stars becomes a bit easier if you make the company’s agenda clear from the start. Begin the employee training before the start date, for example, provide them with a guide on what it takes to succeed in the company, and make sure you hire the kind of people who are likely to achieve this.

I’ve learned when we take time to get people on the same page, with a similar desired outcome, it is easier to work together through any issues that arise to get to the desired outcome for you share common ground. With this firm foundation, we are able to come alongside each other so we do not flounder or fail as often when faced with unexpected challenges.

Make the office comfortable

One of the ways we tend to judge the success of a business is kind of the same as how we judge the success of a person, in general. We view their clothes, their homes, and whether or not their apparel looks slightly expensive and luxurious. Treat your office to a bit of comfort and your employees may feel even luckier to be working there.

You can have a look at these commercial landscaping companies, for example, or treat your office to some potted greenery and chairs with a bit more comfort, and of course, ergonomically correct. You may even offer a standing desk alternative.

One of my first offices did not fit me – at all. I ended up at the company doctor, to learn my issues stemmed from hovering over a computer far to long at the wrong angle. The person who had that office before me was over 6 feet tall and on a “tall day,” I may be 5′ 5″. That’s huge when desks and chairs are your primary perch during working hours. A comfortable office doesn’t have to cost the world but it definitely makes a world of a difference.

Show a genuine interest

When you think about the quality of a good leader, what comes to mind first? A lot of people say strength, determination, a drive to succeed, et cetera, and while these qualities are great to have, they’re not necessarily what makes a good leader.

To be a popular boss, who creates a better place to work, you need to be a people’s person. Chat with your team members, listen to their concerns, and go out of your way to help them solve problems that are not work-related. When you care, they care.  Remember they have a life outside of the office too – and it’s usually this life that determines whether they show up for work in a good mood and productive or not. 

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