A New Day Dawns As A New Endeavor Is Birthed

Hello July 16th and an early welcome to July 17th as a new day dawns and a new endeavor births.

A New Day dawns as a new endeavor is birthed.

Today ends a journey we thought was for a lifetime yet became our 10 years as AdvoCare Leaders. Over those years we met 1000’s of people who shaped our hearts and our business as it is today, yet tomorrow everything changes.


I am forever grateful for one man’s dream and his belief that the average person could make an extraordinary life and to an extraordinary couple I call dear friends, Richard Wright and Sherry, who led the company to new heights. What a difference you made in our lives and so many others.


I say a heartfelt thank you to each one of you who risked joining us, allowing Holt Mead and me to introduce our business to you and your families and friends. Together we spanned the United States and entered Canada, impacting 1000’s of people.


Yet a new endeavor dawns. I choose to be better, not bitter, for this time I start from a place of experience, not ground zero. I thank each one of you who said you are coming with us as you too want to embark on this new journey whether for the products or the business. Bless you.


What have we found to follow?

Visionary leadership

Godly foundation

Family atmosphere

Solid science supporting the products


And my new awareness? I didn’t know I COULD feel better than I did – yet I do! And I’m now sleeping through the night too.


Thank you Richard and Sherry Wright for stepping into this new role and inviting us to catch the wave as you guide the company from $100 Million to $1 Billion over the next five years through each one of us who puts our boats in the water and steadily paddles to catch this rising tide.


For I know the plans I have for you…God whispers.


Yes Lord. May we follow where You lead…