3 Ways To Bring Nature Into Your Home

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Bringing nature inside can really bring a new lease of life to your home. By adding a few small changes you can change up the aesthetic of your home instantly. We have done the research for you and chose the top three ways we think are best to bring nature into your home. Take a look below and see what you think.

  1. Plants

When you think of nature your first thoughts are plants and flowers. Bringing these into your home can not only purify the air but also make your home feel inviting and homely. There is such a variety of house plants available on the market it can be hard to know which ones to go for. Here are a few that might interest you:

  • Swiss Cheese Plant – Also known as the Monstera delicious is a popular house plant. It is a great plant for experienced and amateur plant owners. It requires indirect sunlight and prefers a high humid environment.
  • Bonsai TreeBonsai Trees are like miniature trees you can display in your home. They originate from Asia and come in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes. They are relatively easy to maintain but can take you several attempts to master the art of pruning and shaping the tree.
  • Succulents – These consist of cactus, aloe vera, jade plants and many more. They are a good plant for beginners or if you are not very good at looking after plants as they require very little tending too. 
  1. Smell

Bring the smells of nature inside this winter by investing in a few scented candles, incense or sprays. Smells like cinnamon, ginger, vanilla, pumpkin, or cranberry are all great  autumn and winter scents to look out for. For summer and spring think more floral smells like rose, jasmine, coconut and sandalwood.

Why not add a natural smell through the home by cooking up some seasonal foods. Cookies, gingerbread, chicken soup, or homemade bread make excellent wintery smells. For summer cut up some fruit such as melon, apples or oranges or add a few bunches of flowers around the house.

  1. Decor

Decor such as throws, cushions, bedding, curtains and rugs are a great way to make you feel like nature has entered your home. There are a range of patterns that you could pick from, if a plant or floral pattern is not your sort of thing then try and stick to colors that are natural in nature. 

Good colors for Winter or Autumn are:

  • Green
  • Brown
  • Orange
  • Blue

When choosing winter or autumnal colors, choose darker tones.

Good colors for Summer or Spring are:

  • Yellow
  • Pink
  • Red
  • purple

When choosing summer or spring colors, choose brighter to pastel tones.

There you have it our top three ways to bring nature into your home, we think they are great ideas that you can implement into your home imminently and at a low cost. Now you have sorted the nature aspects inside your home, focus on your outside space by reading our tips on THE BEST GARDEN LANDSCAPING IDEAS FOR YOUR HEART AND MIND