Writer’s Contest – Women Who Move Mountains

Have you ever won a writer’s contest? Have you ever entered one?! Or should the question be do you have a book in you?

My friend Sue Detweiler did. Several actually and I’m sure there are more coming. Her latest book, Women Who Move Mountains, is a game changer for your prayer life. I’ll share more about it in another post.

Today, I’m sharing her Writer’s Contest. Several people have the opportunity to win some wonderful TIME with individuals in the book publishing and promoting industry. Dig in – what if YOU win?!

Have you dreamed of sharing your idea with a big publisher? Now is your chance! Pitch your idea. Share your vision. Get feedback. Enter the writer's contest

Win: A Publisher Appointment, Baker Publishing Group, Acquisition Editor, Kim Bangs.  ( 1st Place: 15 Minute Phone Consultation). 

Win: A Literary Agent Meeting with Greg Johnson of Wordserve Literary. (2nd and 3rd Place 15 Minute Phone Consultation).

Win: A Platform Building Meeting with Shaun Tabatt & Grace Kasper. (4th and 5th Place 30 Minute Phone Consultation).

A Total of 5 Winners!

ABOUT THE Women Who Move Mountains Book

Sue Detweiler wrote the book Women Who Move Mountains with tears streaming down her face. Every odd chapter begins with a powerful testimony of a woman who overcomes obstacles in her life. Even numbered chapters contain a personal guide to going deeper in bible study and prayer. In part 2 of the book Sue provides a 21 Day Guide to Spiritual Breakthrough and other useful resources to jump start your relationship with God.

I agree with Sue. I believe this book will transform you.

Through stores, scripture, prayer, decrees and journal questions, Sue and I are confident your soul will awaken to the power and presence of Jesus Christ.


Have you dreamed of sharing your small idea with a big publisher? Now is your chance! Pitch your idea. Share your vision. Get feedback, clarity and new perspective. Plus, have the opportunity to grow your platform.


1. Register Here Today!

2. Write a blog post reflecting on the content in – Women Who Move Mountains. Buy your book here.

3. Mention the book, Women Who Move Mountains. Link back to www.SueDetweiler.com within your post.

4. Share your blog post (posted on your blog) on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook #WomenWhoMoveMountains.

5. Link your Women Who Move Mountains post on the Linkup button at http://suedetweiler.com/writers-contest.

6. Share this page so your social media followers can vote!  #WomenWhoMoveMountains.

Bonus: Write an Amazon Review (if your heart is so inclined to bless Sue).

Enjoy increased traffic to your blog as Sue randomly chooses blog posts to be featured and promoted on SueDetweiler.com

Men: You can enter this contest! Despite the title of the book, you can enter to win.

The Panel of Judges Include:

Have you dreamed of sharing your idea with a big publisher? Now is your chance! Pitch your idea. Share your vision. Get feedback. Enter the writer's contest

Kim Bangs, Acquisition Editor, Baker Publishing Group

For 25 years Kim has served in the Christian publishing industry. Beginning as an editor in the Children’s Curriculum Department at Gospel Light, she served as the Publishing Director for Regal Books (the book division of Gospel Light). In 2012 Kim was honored by AWSA as Non-Fiction Editor of the Year. She can be found at several writers’ conferences, including Mount Hermon, Blue Ridge and She Speaks, throughout the year doing all she can to inspire and encourage writers to write their passion and keep pressing on.

Baker Publishing Group appointed  Kim as the senior acquisitions editor for the Bethany House and Chosen divisions. Baker Books publishes books that are relevant, intelligent, and engaging. They publish titles for lay Christians on topics such as discipleship, apologetics, spirituality, relationships, marriage, parenting, and the intersection of Christianity and culture. They also publish books and ministry resources for pastors and church leaders, concentrating on topics such as preaching, worship, pastoral ministries, counseling, biblical reference, and leadership.

Have you dreamed of sharing your idea with a big publisher? Now is your chance! Pitch your idea. Share your vision. Get feedback. Enter the writer's contestGreg Johnson, Literary Agent, WordServe Literary

Greg Johnson has been in publishing for more than 25 years. Before becoming a full-time literary agent in 1994, he wrote and published 20 works of nonfiction with traditional publishers, as well as being an editor for a teenage boys magazine for five years. In his years as an agent, he has personally represented more than 2,300 books and negotiated more than 1,800 contracts to over 85 publishing houses. These works include adult trade books (non-fiction and fiction), children’s books, specialty Bibles, movie options, video curricula, audio products, gift books and greeting cards.

WordServe Literary offers nearly 30 years of experience in all aspects of helping authors get published with traditional publishers. Depending on the client’s needs, in the course of what we do for our commission, we may provide writing critique, editing of manuscripts and proposals. 

Have you dreamed of sharing your idea with a big publisher? Now is your chance! Pitch your idea. Share your vision. Get feedback. Enter the writer's contestShaun Tabatt, Marketing Manager for Bethany House and Chosen Books

Active in the Christian publishing community, Shaun serves as Marketing Manager for the Bethany House Nonfiction and Chosen Books brands.  He also continues to serve a select number of clients through his company, Cross Focused Media, LLC. Shaun is the host and producer of The Shaun Tabatt Show. Previous podcasts include Author Talks with Shaun Tabatt (121 episodes) and Fortress Press Live (24 episodes).

Have you dreamed of sharing your idea with a big publisher? Now is your chance! Pitch your idea. Share your vision. Get feedback. Enter the writer's contestGrace Kasper, Senior Publicist, Bethany House and Chosen Books

Grace  is the former assistant produce, Live the Promise at KTIS AM 900/Faith Radio Network. Presently she serves as the Senior Publicist, Bethany House and Chosen Books at Bethany House Publishers.

Bethany House has been publishing high quality books for over 50 years. Recognized as the pioneer and leader in Christian fiction, we publish over 75 new fiction and nonfiction titles annually in subjects including historical and contemporary fiction, Christian living, devotional, family resources, and theology. Our titles are frequently found on Christian bestseller lists. Chosen publishes well-crafted books that recognize the gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit and help readers live more empowered and effective lives for Jesus Christ.

The Length of the Contest: May 10 through June 25! 

Have you dreamed of sharing your idea with a big publisher? Now is your chance! Pitch your idea. Share your vision. Get feedback. Enter the writer's contest

HOW TO ENTER Writer’s Contest!

1. Register at http://suedetweiler.com/writers-contest/

2. Write a blog post reflecting on the content in – Women Who Move Mountains. 

3. Mention the book, “Women Who Move Mountains” and link back to www.SueDetweiler.com.

4. Share your blog post (posted on your blog) on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. #WomenWhoMoveMountains.

5. Link your Women Who Move Mountains post on the Linkup button at http://suedetweiler.com/writers-contest.

6. Share this page so your social media can vote #WomenWhoMoveMountains.

Men: You can enter this contest.

I look forward to sharing what this powerfully written book has done for my prayer life!

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27 thoughts on “Writer’s Contest – Women Who Move Mountains

  1. What an exciting opportunity! And how wonderful that you’re featuring Sue’s book. I love that about you, Susan. It’s like you have a BIG HEART with room in it for everyone. xoxoxo

  2. Stopping by from #GraceandTruth Linkup – which led me to your linkup.

    Pondering this opportunity – thanks for sharing.

    1. Oh Nylse, I’m so glad you found me – timing makes me think you have something to submit! Go girl. Hugs, Susan
      PS – join us for the DanceWithJesus linkup each week at susanbmead.com/blog

  3. What a wonderful opportunity Susan! Thank you for making this available and linking it to a book I can’t wait to read!

    1. Crystal, you are most welcome! Sue did a magnificent job with the thought provoking questions and prayer prompts. I LOVE it! Hugs, Susan

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