The Hooker and the Homeless

Hooker & HomelessThe hooker and the homeless hang out on Harry Hines Blvd. It’s not normally in my path, yet recently I was compelled to travel Harry Hines. It’s definitely gotten better over the years, but…

I always make sure it’s daylight

My doors are locked

My purse is out of sight

I know EXACTLY where to exit

[Tweet “Safe. No way, I didn’t feel safe traveling Harry Hines. Until that day God showed up…”]

I35 was CLOGGED from a wreck, so I had taken the route up Harry Hines Blvd to get out of downtown Dallas. So across town and up Harry Hines I proceeded.

I figured:

It’s broad daylight

It’s only about 4 miles to get around this snarled traffic

My doors are locked

I’m safe

OK, let’s go!

As I pulled into the left hand turn lane, I double-checked my doors to ensure they were locked.


There was a homeless man, a bum, begging at the intersection. I, in turn, begged God, PLEASE let the light stay green. Please Lord…

Yet that light flashed to red as my flesh crawled all over me.

[Tweet “WHY, Lord? I just wanna be safe.”]

“Look at Me,” I clearly heard.

What? Where? I thought as I started digging into my purse. It’s my custom to carry snack and protein bars, so I reached over to probe for protein to provide this homeless man. I figured if his sign reads, “Will work for food,” I will hand off some food instead of some cash that may be used to drown his sorrows or snort them away.

Stereotyped. Yep, I admit it, guilty as charged.

So out came a couple of bars, down rolled the window as my fingers stretched out to hand (I really wanted to drop it!) off my guilt offering. The whole time, I was thinking, please don’t touch me…

Again, “Look at Me.”

Curious and concerned, my eyes swept up the disheveled figure of a man. Clad in khaki shorts, several layers of shirts, a vest and clunky boots, this man looked comfortable outside yet not totally unkempt. His face was masked by a massive beard and his head was capped, literally, by a huge bush of hair threaded with gray and covered with a fur-lined cap, ear covers tied up.

I was captivated, simply captivated, by what I saw and felt. Our eyes met and locked onto each other, our hands brushed as he took the bars from me. [Tweet “That is when I met God at the intersection of Harry Hines and Regal Row.”]

Exquisite aqua blue eyes looked into mine as he said, “Bless you, my child.”

In the midst of hookers and the homeless, I found H O P E…

He lives

He breathes

He loves


And I found Him in the least likely locale.

Or was it the most likely?

What else am I avoiding, God?

Where else do You want to meet me?

Pull my defenses down as You open my heart to You, O Lord.

[Tweet “Just like the window rolled down and You eased in, Lord, do it again…”]

Past my defenses and defensiveness.

Past my offenses and offensiveness

Make me useful for You, O Lord

Can we meet again at Harry Hines and Regal Row? I would be honored to lock eyes and arms with You…and Your children.

Proverbs 14:31 (NIV) Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.

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66 thoughts on “The Hooker and the Homeless

  1. Wonderful post! I could feel the heart racing, hesitation, and each emotion you felt! I will be featuring you tomorrow at Women With Intention Wednesdays! Thanks for linking up! I look forward to what you’ll share this week!

  2. This is my first time here, and I’m so glad I stumbled upon your page. You are a beautiful writer! I love when God surprises me like he surprised you that day at the intersection. I have stereotypes, too, I think everyone does…but oh what a wonderful thing it is when they get knocked down and someone proves us wrong.

  3. Wow! I felt the electricity of when your eyes met and he said, ‘bless you’. Its so true we find Him amongst the unlovely of society and yet we too often recoil. I pray you travel that road more often and see who elso you can see HIM in. Bless you, sister, bless you.

    1. I pray you travel the road more often…Oh, Jeannie, you blessed me mightily with those words. Thank you!

      Please do join us each Friday for DanceWithJesus Linkup. Your words matter.


    1. Kristen, thank you! Obedience. Why dod we RESIST so hard sometimes? We sure love the blessings…
      May I invite you to join us each Friday for DanceWithJesus Linkup? Your words matter.

  4. What a beautiful experience, Susan. I confess to being all too guilty of of dropping off a ‘guilt offering’ and never looking the recipient in the face. Thank you for the reminder that it’s not about duty-it’s about LOVE!

  5. Susan,

    Thanks for putting words to what we have probably all felt at times, in my case, too many times! It’s easier to make quick judgments instead of seeing through the eyes of Christ!

    Thanks for linking up on Mondays @ Soul Survival. I look forward to reading more of your posts.


  6. This is beautiful, and powerful! I often find God in the least likely of scenarios. Thank you so much for sharing at The Weekend Brew!

  7. Wow, Susan….this one pumped my heart back to life again. I struggle so much with this particular scenario because I am so afraid. Afraid of contributing to any addiction, afraid to be assaulted, afraid of contributing to a dependency on others…so many fears based on assumptions and perhaps a sense of being careful/safe. Great food for thought. I like the idea of keeping a stash of healthy protein/breakfast bars. This one will be going around in my mind and heart for a long while. Thank you!

  8. Aw; angels in disguise; they are the people around us whose love, joyfulness, goodness, and light brighten our life. Angels sent from God. It happens all the time. More often than we realize. What a beautiful and inspiring post!!! Thanks for sharing and for your link up! ღ
    Blessings and love,

  9. Dear Susan, this is incredible. God uses the unusual to teach us a great deal.
    Thanks for blessing our heart here.
    Many Blessings to you

    1. Thank you, Ifeoma. He certainly challenges me to rise up…to HIS challenge.

  10. I loved this post. I actually read it yesterday (saw it on Twitter) and then tweeted it. Isn’t it uncanny how God shows up in the oddest places? The ones we never expect. Thanks for sharing and for hosting today, Susan!

  11. Susan, your inner warnings rang true with me too as my Nanny taught me from a young age to lock my doors, especially when driving through “those” neighborhoods. But I remember listening to a testimony of someone who wasn’t homeless but lived as one as a social experiment, and they said almost no one looks them in the eyes.

    But it was only when you opened your eyes, Susan, and looked into his eyes that you could really see. Beautiful call to open our eyes to see where God is calling, even when … or especially when it’s outside the comfort zone. : )

    1. To see Me, you must seek Me. Everywhere. Yep. I’m guilty of the “closed eye syndrome”. I think I peek when I want to versus seeing God everywhere and in everyone.

      I’m BUSTED! Thank God He’s trust-worthy…& busts they our defenses.

      Hugs. Susan

  12. It is always hard to move away from what is comfortable but God will direct our path if we let Him. Thanks for sharing. Visiting from Dance With Jesus.

    1. Thanks for “joining the dance” at Dance With Jesus, Rebecca! It sure is best to follow the path He puts down versus blazing my own…I agree with you!

  13. I agree. As someone has said, when we ask God to use us, we have to be ready for whatever He brings. He has been stretching my comfort zone, too. Even though it’s challenging for me, He has provided everything I’ve needed for every step of the way.

    Stopping by from FMF. Have a blessed weekend!

  14. Your words, Susan, brought to life what many of us have experienced in similar situations. Please light, stay green…. But to “see” you walk it through is a praise for God. Oh Lord, teach us from Susan’s experience. Amen.

  15. Out of our comfort zone.
    That’s where we find Jesus so often — out of the safe, predictable, freshly showered zone.
    Thank you for taking us there with you today.
    May we now go and do likewise.

  16. Oh Susan sweet Susan so glad your spirit was open enough to hear the prompting. And though it may have been uncomfortable you obeyed. And what a GREATER sensitivity you’ll have now. What a reason to rejoice!!!! Thank you for sharing.

  17. Beautiful word today, Susan! I love the notion that God wants to meet me in the most unlikely of places. I just make the decision whether I allow myself to see Him, hear Him, experience Him in those moments. I love, “And I found Him in the least likely locale. OR WAS IT THE MOST LIKELY? What else am I avoiding, God? WHERE ELSE DO YOU WANT TO MEET ME? PULL MY DEFENSES DOWN AS YOU OPEN MY HEART TO YOU, O LORD.” Yes, my defenses keep me far from Him, far from experiencing His power, His love, His grace, right in the moment. Thank for sharing, friend!

    1. Lisa, yes ma’am. Far too often (most of the time!), I’m sitting safely where I want to be versus where He wants or possibly even needs me to be.

      Wow. That just hit me. Needs me to be?! Wow!

  18. Love this! I grew up in DFW. I know the area you speak of. I knew Harry Hines for the wholesale shopping at Sam Moon (you know the jewelry, purses and pretty stuff for cheap). I loved going there, but yes, it was a hold your purse, kids and crew close kind of place. I love it when God makes Himself known in the uncomfortable. Thanks for sharing this Susan. I cannot wait to meet you face to face (maybe at She Speaks?). Have a wonderful Friday!

  19. Great job, Susan! God pulls us into the uncomfortable to teach us comfort. God’s lessons are meant to be taught in a way that we truly learn all there is to know about Him. We will find God where we don’t want to look and don’t want to dwell. He will use us greatly when we follow His prompting in these moments. Have a blessed day and thank you for the linkup.

  20. Susan, wow, you really capture this moment! It is compelling. Love it. You make my eyes want to see and my ears want to listen to the voice of God. Keep on listening to that voice, he clearly doesn’t steer you wrong. Love you so much! Praying right now for you.

    1. God bless you my friend-so richly. You sure bless me and sooooo many more Kelly. Thank you for your prayers. They are precious to me. I pray God surrounds you with His angels to guard and guide you.

  21. Such a challenging and encouraging post, thank you! I am sure we have all been there…a great reminder of the grace we all need.

  22. Loved this Susan -> Past my defenses and defensiveness. Past my offenses and offensiveness Make me useful for You, O Lord” Thanks for encouraging me and sharing your heart here! It’s great to know that God is always there, and we can experience His presence and encounter any where we are!

    Tayrina from TGAWrites -> Visiting you from #livefreeThursday

  23. Thank you for sharing this post, this story of grace to you! I could totally relate to it. I live a comfortable life in my comfortable world. Lately, I have felt God telling me that I “play it too safe.” God is calling me to step out or “drive” out on the Harry Hines Boulevard of my life in my corner of the world. The story hasn’t come to be yet, but I know that God has written my part in it!

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