Searching for Significance

We’re all searching for something in life. Whether you want to call it significance, purpose, meaning or something else, there is an innate desire in each of us for our life to matter — to have significance and purpose.

We want to explore that desire with you from a biblical perspective and dive into God’s view of your worth. That’s why Wycliffe Bible Translators created a seven-day devotional, “Searching for Significance.” Each of the seven days, they explore a different part of God’s perfect plan for your life, and how He ultimately wants you to find purpose and significance through bringing Him glory.

Nothing on this earth can fully satisfy our longing for significance and worth - nothing apart from JESUS. shares Searching for Significance.

So I share day 1 with you and extend an invitation to get the remaining 6 days of the devotion for yourself.  Why? Because I agree – we are all searching for significance.  And YOU matter to me. So here you go – with hugs from my heart to yours as you delve into finding YOUR significance.

Nothing on this earth can fully satisfy our longing for significance and worth – nothing apart from JESUS.

Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.” “But sir, you don’t have a rope or a bucket,” [the Samaritan woman] said, “and this well is very deep. Where would you get this living water?”Jesus replied, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”
John 4:10-14


We’re all searching for something in life. Whether you want to call it significance, purpose, meaning or something else, there is an innate desire in each of us for our life to matter, to have significance and purpose. We long to be something, to be someone.

But all too often we look to things such as career, status, wealth, relationships and accolades to give us a sense of purpose and significance. We look to temporary solutions, rather than a permanent solution.

As followers of Christ, we know the truth (in our heads, if not in our hearts):

[Tweet “Nothing on this earth can fully satisfy our longing for significance and worth — nothing apart from Jesus.”]

In John 4 we see Jesus talking to a Samaritan woman. This woman has to come to the well daily — maybe even multiple times a day — to satisfy her thirst. But Jesus says to her, “‘Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again’” (John 4:13- 14a).

He’s offering that same water to us! In Him, our desperate thirst is quenched forever.

God has given us this desire to be known, to make a difference, to have our lives mean something in the end. It’s just a matter of finding the right answer the right way, and through the right source.


As we explore how our search for significance plays out in our daily life, perhaps we should ask ourselves:

What are we really seeking?
And how do we find it?

Get the Searching for Significance devotion here for yourself because you, my precious friend, are significant.

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28 thoughts on “Searching for Significance

  1. Thank you for sharing this devotional with us. Heavenly Father, Empty me of every foolish thing my heart holds to. So that I can be filled with you! In Jesus name, Amen

  2. Hello, Susan! It’s great to meet you and find this link up! I really enjoyed your post. Nothing satisfies like the love of Christ. In Him only do we find our purpose. Thanks for sharing. xoxo

    1. Mandy,
      What a pleasure to meet you here! In Christ alone – oh how I agree with you on that point! Come back each week.

      Hugs, Susan

  3. Very interesting. I think that we all are searching for significance in our lives. The validation from others gives us our significance which is something over the last decade I have stopped caring about. I found out that “if the feller I see in the mirror, every morning” is happy than that is all the significance I need.

  4. Well, I can tell you how impactful the book, Search For Significance by Robert McGee has been in my life over many years, so I’ve no doubt this study is equally powerful!

  5. Oh, my that verse… ” If you only knew ….” that is truly one of the keys to faith, knowing that the unseen is trustworthy, the infinite God who loves us and knowns us is able to be known by us. Sometimes I wrestle with now knowing more, Susan. But I am so grateful that I can trust Him even when I wonder.

    Such a great encouragement to spend time studying John 4 today.

  6. You are so right, we are all searching for significance…. This part at the end is so good and such powerful truth… “But all too often we look to things such as career, status, wealth, relationships and accolades to give us a sense of purpose and significance. We look to temporary solutions, rather than a permanent solution. As followers of Christ, we know the truth (in our heads, if not in our hearts):” I know it in my head, its getting past there to my heart sometimes.
    I always enjoy reading your posts and linking up with you on Friday’s. I would be honored if you would consider joining me at my NEW Thursday linkup – #TuneInThursday each week. Blessings and have an awesome day.

  7. Oh Susan this devotional looks great. I grew leaps and bounds in my faith when I went through The Search for Significance by McGee or McKee. Not sure right now, but it did change my life and the lives of all the women that came to my Bible Study. We grew together.
    Praying for you today that you would experience a greater anointing for ministry than you have before and would see greater results than you ever have!
    Be Blessed & Refreshed,
    ~Sherry Stahl

  8. What a heavy-hearted journey that search is apart from the truth you share here. May many read this resource and be set free from hopelessness.

  9. Susan, today’s five minute Friday word is PURPOSE. Your post goes along beautifully with the message. Always glad to linkup over here!

  10. Indeed, but don’t we catch ourselves looking for significance anywhere but …no matter how certain we know that Jesus is the only one that can fill that gap? Thank goodness for grace! This book looks great.
    Happy Friday!

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