Revelation 21:5

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

Thank You, Father God, for Your promise (Revelation!) to make all things new.  As we move into a new year and leave the old, be with us as we commit to change.  Help us leave the old behind and EMBRACE the new!

What is Your Will, Father, as You remove the old and make us new?

May we see it.

May we step BOLDLY into it.

May we share it, even more BOLDLY, Lord God.

Change.  May we want to be new in YOU, each and every day, O LORD.  Breathe Your Holy Word into us.

Make us new.

In You

By You

For You

Thank You, Father God.  Hope springs eternal.  In You!



Thank You

In Jesus name.  Amen

The verse is NIV and found at