Worthy of a Miracle Book Giveaway

“You have a ten-centimeter mass behind your heart.”

Linda Kuhar Worthy of a Miracle You have a ten-centimeter mass behind your heart.

Those are the words that would change the course of my life . . . forever. I can recall every hour, every minute of May 11, 2009. I was a 34-year-old wife and mother to our nine-year-old little girl. Our family was working through the grief of loosing my mother-in-law to cancer. We were in shock and devastated after the horrific four-year battle of cancer our sweet Judy suffered through. And now it was time to face the music and do this “cancer thing” all over again. I was diagnosed with cancer, Stage 3 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

Life quickly became a rollercoaster once again. Within five months of chemotherapy I became ill and was hospitalized. The doctor said that I hit a little bump in the road and needed to build up my immune system and that I would only be in the hospital for a about two or three days. A couple of days turned out to be one month in a coma on life support with less than a 5% chance of surviving.

Doctors told my family that if they believed in divine intervention it was time to ask for it because they did not think I would recover and if a miracle happened I would be in wheelchair and on oxygen for the rest of my life.

Family and friends gathered in prayer asking God for a miracle, and that is exactly what he gave us. Not only did I wake up from my coma, but also I recovered 100%. I learned to walk again and I could even breathe on my own with no assistance from machines. One year later, I ran my very first half marathon with Team In Training for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and became a Christian life coach and speaker.

As I shared my inspiring story over the next couple of years, I struggled to truly believe I was worthy to be alive … Worthy of a Miracle! I often questioned why did I deserve to live? Or why did the little girl in my neighborhood loose her battle to cancer and not me? Shame and not good enough thoughts consumed my mind and I began to question if I really believed in God. I wrestled with not feeling “good enough” my entire life and now that I had this bright spot light shining on me I questioned my worth even more. I needed an even bigger miracle … the faith to believe I was worthy of God’s unconditional love for me.

My book Worthy of a Miracle is not only about physical healing but my spiritual healing and how I discovered my true worth in Jesus. It is a guidebook for any woman who wants to more fully own her inheritance as a daughter of God. And it is for you, no matter where you currently are on that journey. It is not a step-by-step instruction manual on how to become “worthy,” but rather an inspirational practice to deepen your awareness of how worthy you already are by accepting the relationship Jesus offers.

Over the years I learned how to use an acronym as a simple reminder of how to live in the truth about my worth and relationship with God. To walk you through your own shift in perspective about how worthy you are, I share with you the most important lesson I learned along the way:

[Tweet “Jesus is the answer.”]

• Just live today.
• Expect miracles.
• Speak truth.
• Use your gifts.
• Start now!

Jesus is the answer. • Just live today. • Expect miracles. • Speak truth. • Use your gifts. • Start now!

A little about Linda:

LINDA KUHAR is a Board Certified Coach with the Center for Credentialing & Education, Certified Christian Life Coach with Christian Coach Institute and has led women worldwide through online Bible studies. Linda speaks to organizations such as the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, churches, and women’s ministries throughout the United States. A wife and mother, Linda survived Stage 3 cancer and a coma resulting from a compromised immune system during cancer treatment in 2009. Although doctors predicted she would never walk or breathe again on her own, she proved them wrong. One year after awakening from her coma, she ran her very first half marathon with Team In Training for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.


Linda Kuhar is a Board Certified Coach at http://www.lindakuhar.com

Learn more about Linda
Watch book trailer!
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Order your copy of Worthy of a Miracle HERE!

Linda is generously providing a copy of her book Worthy of a Miracle as a giveaway! Leave a comment below about why you want to read this book or who you would like to give a copy to for YOUR chance to win the book giveaway.


5 thoughts on “Worthy of a Miracle Book Giveaway

  1. I would love to read this book in order to equip myself with knowledge to help others around me, particularly my five children. I would pass the book on to a precious friend of mine who also struggles with knowing how to impart God’s goodness to her own grown children. It is so important to show how our God still works in lives today!! Thank you for this opportunity.

  2. I would love to read this book, because my husband was put in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. We are working on his appeal, but it seems like it was take a miracle for him to be released. Sometimes, I feel is our family even worth saving during this time.

    1. Oh Miranda, I can’t begin to imagine…

      Peter was imprisoned for crimes he didn’t commit and Jesus was crucified for crimes He didn’t commit.

      What the devel intended for harm, God redeems. Remember that verse and cling to it!

      1. Thanks for the encouragement! I cling to that verse daily but on some days it is hard. We also have two young kids (6 and 4) who miss their daddy dearly and ask for him multiple time a day.

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