
Do you walk or run?

Or have a gym membership?

A lifetime gym membership?

Are you paying your monthly dues?

Are the payments on an automatic plan so you don’t even need to think about your fitness membership payment?

Walk with Me


Are you going to the gym? Are you using what you enrolled in…and are paying for? Are you taking care of your body?

Are you exercising your right to exercise?

Are you exercising your responsibility to exercise?


Are you exercising your right to exercise - or your responsibility - to exercise? Your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit according the the Bible.

Who has the right to ask me that question?

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. ~ 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV)

The answer to who has the right to ask you whether or not you are exercising your responsibility to exercise is very clearly shown is this verse…GOD.

[Tweet “You are not your own. You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”]

Temple of the Holy Spirit…

I must confess…

I have a Fitbit…or two.

I have My Fitness Pal app on my cell phone.

I have an eating plan at the house.

I have lost 45 pounds and 5 sizes 6 years ago and kept it off.

Yet I now find the Fitbit needs recharging (kinda like my focus and motivation), MyFitnessPal probably feels unfit and unfriended.  Add to that an eating plan that’s moved from exact to erratic and errant in the process of extracting a book from my brain.


You got my attention today with this verse.

I plugged in the Fitbit and charged it up.

Now I gotta get me charged up and COMMIT to 10,000 steps or the equivalent activity each day.

Walk with Me, I heard in my prayer time.  OK, I thought. Then deep in my spirt I heard, “WALK, yes, walk WITH ME.”

God, its raining…

God, I’ve gotta get this or that done…

God, I’ve gotta…


Yes, Lord!  The right and responsibility I have is to You, Father.  Thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to live in me.  You gave me a body and a sound mind.  Now it is my responsibility to tend to that which You bought and paid for…long ago.

Father, I have never thought of my fitness or lack thereof like this before.  YOU paid my “lifetime” membership 2000+ years ago when You worked out my salvation through Your Son.  You say honor Me with your body.  Holy Father God, thank You.

[Tweet “How dare I ignore this prepaid lifetime membership and invitation to walk with You, Lord God?”]

I LOVE being chosen by You, Father.  Now, may I choose to honor the choice You made for me with the choice I make for You, today, Father.

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. ~ Micah 6:8 (NIV)

I humbly ask, “Will You walk 10,000 steps with me today, God?”

[inlinkz_linkup id=528248 mode=1]

37 thoughts on “Lifetime

  1. Susan, thanks for sharing this linkup in my Words of Comfort link up. Blessings!!! The next WOC link up will be on June 13.

    With Love,
    Tayrina from TGAWrites

  2. Visiting you from Mommy Moments link up. I am a power walker and I use that time not only for exercise but for prayer. It is the time where I can be closest to God and lift my concerns, blessings, etc. to Him and still be close to him in his creation.

  3. I love fitness and could really relate to your metaphor today! I’m not as spiritually fit as I need to be during this busy end of school season!! Thank you for the correction and encouragement:)

    1. Amen Meg! It’s so easy to get distracted…Tada! There’s the enemy…lurking & waiting for every opportunity to creep into our lives.

  4. You have convicted me. I lost 35 pounds 5 years ago, and unfortunately, I have not kept it off. Oh, I did a good job for awhile, but then I moved away from family and friends (after 29 years in the same home) and found myself kinda depressed about my new surroundings. And, that kept me sedentary. I am asking the Lord for the self-discipline to get up and get going. But, the responsibility is mine.

    Thanks for this message – I know I needed it!


  5. Hi susan how you doing yes absolutely true i agree with your idea God be with you and all human beings

  6. Oh how these words were like a whack to me a good way. Rise up and get moving. My FitBit needs charged too and has for the last day and a half. I also have the My FitnessPal which also I’m sure feels neglected. I want my body to be used like a temple for the Lord.

  7. Love this, Susan, well, mostly … it’s a little convicting, but in a great way: “Girl, YOU’VE GOTTA GET YOUR PRIORITIES RIGHT. NOW.
    Yes, Lord! The right and responsibility I have is to You, Father.” Love the connection with our Spiritual walk and our physical walk. We need to get both right to have the strength to walk out His call.

    P.S. I would love to encourage you on MyFitnessPal. You can find me at cstorms1 : )

    1. Never done that on MyFitnessPal. Oh accountability rises up…

      Making me swallow and own up to my chooses. That’s a good thing.

      Oh I just looked there…and felt a sucking into another social platform I could get lost (lose time!) in.

      Thank you for the invite Crystal as I know your goal is pure encouragement, however, at this point please understand that I am working to unplug from additional social media places. Hugs!

  8. So inspiring, as usual, Susan! Thanks for the reminder that we need to care for our bodies because they are the temple of the Holy Spirit. So often we just think we have to exercise, we have to lose weight, etc., so that we can look better or feel better. While those are certainly true, it’s more important to remember that we belong to Him. As such we have all the more reason to attend to self-care. Blessings to you!

  9. Susan,
    Friend I cheer you on as you seek to honor Him through honoring your temple. Each moment of the day we are presented with the opportunity to choose well. Today I say yes to at least 10,000 steps, I say yes to eating clean, I say yes to getting rest, I say no to grieving the spirit by defiling my temple. Blessing to you sister.

  10. How wonderful to know that He cares about all aspects of our lives. Full surrender to His ways can be difficult, but He will bless our obedience, even in this. After all, we all know that being at our best physically is so closely related to our emotional and even spiritual well-being. He wants His very best for His precious children.
    Blessings and hugs,

    1. Lol! True. We learn by repetition. We also become what we repeat. So one foot in front of another once again and off I go… You too?!

  11. “I LOVE being chosen by You, Father. Now, may I choose to honor the choice You made for me with the choice I make for You, today, Father.” Love this, Susan. So true. It boils down to the choices. I love that you put this post up today because I can only imagine how busy life has been recently in light of your book release. Thank you for helping in the effort to keep us honest, causing us all to think about who/what we’re honoring. Praise God.

  12. YES!!!!! What an awesome analogy Susan! How dare I ignore my lifetime FREE membership to walk with Jesus every day … every step of every day. I can’t wait to #DanceWithJesus through this day (and I will join you in tracking steps and putting a smile on MyFitnessPal!)

    1. Amen siesta’! Ready, set, GO! We go. We do. Go + Do = GOD

      He sure shows up and shows off when we invite Him into our going and doing, doesn’t He?!

      Can’t wait to see you at SheSpeaks. Sure will miss your words as you prepare. Will be a sweet time of commUNION there.

  13. I needed to hear this today! Your call to honor God not only through our actions but our whole lifestyle is like God speaking to me too. My responsibility to take care of myself has fallen by the wayside as I finish up my school year and career. But in two short weeks, my excuses will have run out and then I will need to run to and with God. Happy Weekend friend!

    1. Run girl! I’m gonna walk (toddle?!) first. Then run!

      May your time be blessed as He brings this school year to a close with you.

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