As a kid and teenager, I tested limits. Lots of them. Oh, yea. Is that You, Father, saying I still do? Oh, my…
Have you ever heard it’s hot, then touched whatever to just make sure you were hearing “the truth?” Just checkin’ to be sure…
Or heard, eat all that and you will gain weight, yet you stacked your plate full at the buffet anyway – just like I did? And have the muffin top to prove it?
Or been told, be home before midnight. Only bad stuff happens after midnight anyhow. And you had to see that “bad stuff” for yourself instead of trusting that your parents (DAD!) knew what was best for you?
Or dipped your toe – truthfully, your full body – into the water where the no swimming sign was posted?
Or dove head first into the lake from that high rock that just looked FUN? Only to find your friend who followed you in having to be airlifted out, fighting for survival?
Or texted, called or visited that guy, yea, that off-limits guy?
Been there – or somewhere similar? Yea, me too, for many of these. Far too many times to be truthful. If (oops-when) there is a boundary, I would (seems like I still do) test it and check it out. Was (truthfully still is) that boundary REALLY needed? Was (again, still is) “the fun” on the other side where my dad (OH! My Dad – My Father God!) said “the bad stuff” was? What did (oh, my-does) bad stuff look like? Was (is) it REALLY that bad?
Oh FUN – let’s go find out! No big deal, right?
Have you had thoughts like these too? Or were you the compliant, obedient one? Oh, to simply BELIEVE! That would have been in my best interest… Hummmm, I need to correct that verb tense…IS in my best interest.
[Tweet “See the question? What have you questioned that you’ve been told by Authority?”]Genesis 3:1 (NIV) The Fall 3 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”
Look closely at Genesis Chapters 1-2. God creates. Then God creates mankind and is now reverently called LORD GOD. He is God and also LORD of our lives, His sons and daughters.
Read Genesis 3:1 again. Do you see the name the serpent uses? God. Why is that? The serpent KNEW God and His laws and ways, yet God was NOT LORD of the serpent’s life.
[Tweet “Oh, my! Is God truly my Lord God ~ in all areas of my life?”]And you? Is He LORD God – in ALL aspects of your precious life?
What temptation has tested you?
Did you seek your Lord God in the situation? Did you succumb to the temptation or overcome the testing?
[Tweet “Our faith is being tested as we are tempted.”]
Like I said, I tested limits. Yes, I was totally aware of what I was doing. I was a good kid (thank God!), I simply wanted TO KNOW, FOR SURE, what I had been told was true. I simply had to see for myself – far too often. I now see that as a lack of trust versus simply curiosity that “got the better of me” more often than I care to admit.
Reading a blog post on Kristine Brown’s by her friend Emily Weesner simply opened my eyes today. You may want to read her blog for yourself too. It’s packed full of powerful T R U T H.
No is Not a Negative is the title of her post that sparked revelation. [Tweet “Every time I test a boundary, I’m acting. Just. Like. Eve. “]
And that truth hurt my heart. I can only imagine how my LORD GOD’s been grieved. When I fail to yield to Him as LORD GOD, He is grieved. Forgive me, Lord God Almighty.
Let’s get back to Genesis 3 to see this pattern maintained when the serpent and Eve are speaking. Yes indeed the LORD GOD returns – and rules – as LORD GOD.
…or you will surely die, Eve told that crafty critter what the LORD GOD said the consequence of eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was.
Genesis 3:4-6 (NIV) 4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” 6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.
Then the sound of the LORD GOD walking in the garden was heard. And they were hiding – covered in shame and by a fig leaf.
Do you have something that shames you before your LORD GOD (and others)?
Do you have a “fig leaf” you hide behind? What is it?
Did you see the underlined above? His truth popped out at me just now.
When you will know good and evil
Frankly, mine is total exposure.
If, if, if you know x, y, z, you will think less of me.
If, if, if you know abc, you will be repelled and repulsed by me.
If, if, if…
What have I used to hide my shame?
What have I “eaten”?
[Tweet “Yep, I ate it…the LIE. The LIE of the crafty one, that vile serpent. You, too?”]Look at verse 6 above. Was it:
Good for food?
Pleasing to the eye?
Desirable for gaining knowledge?
Who did we invite to join us?
Now our lives are consumed with options, choices and chances to be tested and tempted, for we know good and evil. Yet, we can choose to treasure the truth of God’s Word, the LORD GOD’s Word, in our lives.
[Tweet “He knows best. Yes, indeed, Father knows best.”]LORD over me, all of me, Father God. Be the Lord God of my life instead of simply being One known as God. Thank You that Your Holy Word says You are my Lord, Savior, Redeemer and Friend. Thank You, Lord God. In Jesus name. Amen
(FYI-Toby Mac’s lyrics I wanna know what you are thinking, Can’t image it didn’t sink in is playing as I write this–can’t imagine this lesson didn’t sink in–a LONG time ago!)
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Thank you for sharing this great post and link up with us at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings
Oh, so many times I have been where you have written about and so many times the Father has shown me His immense love. Even today, this very moment I know I am being invited to trust more fully, to know that He is working for our good behind the scenes and though we cannot see now what He is doing at the right time it will appear. Trust. Believe His word and live within the love boundaries His word sets for us. I am choosing to trust even though sometimes it is hard to wait patiently for Him. Thanks for sharing such a great word that hits the heart right where I am at! I wanna be HIS GIRL!
Oh, I wanna be His girl too! And get Gold stars from God…sticky ones like in school…to keep as a reminder of His love (or His approval??? Ouch) for me.
Thank you for joining the dance Jeannie!
Good lesson Susan. God has guardrails for us. Why can’t we just listen, trust Him, and use them? I’m like you, I’m a rule breaker too! Thank you for Dance with Jesus Friday.
Rule breaker? YOU? Nope, just a fun loving girl after God’s own heart. HUGS! Love you dearly my sweet friend. Susan
Great post, friend / neighbor. I like dancing with Jesus. It makes my life so much better in every way. Thanks so much! Blessings upon blessings!
Thank you Mari-Anna, yes it certainly brings JOY to us! Blessings to you too. Susan
I’ve been tempted and I’ve given in to the temptation. I’m also thanking God that with temptation He’s made a way of escape so that I will be able to bear it. I just have to remain sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
Amen, Tyra!
Yes ma’am, Tyra. We gotta learn to listen to His whispers of NO. Not in your best interest. TRUST ME. Hugs, Susan
Temptation can really sneak up on us sometimes, can’t it? Guess that’s why we need to be ready by spending time with God in prayer and in studying and meditating on His word. But even when we succumb to temptation, He is always full of grace, ready and willing to forgive and restore us. What a wonderful, loving God we serve!
Gayl, so full of truth and so thank for that He is forgiving. AMEN!
Yes indeed we do serve a wonderful loving God. AMEN! Susan
I guess we’re all daughters of Eve, Susan. So easy to just see how much we can get away with. So dangerous. It had terrible consequences for Eve! But we have a merciful father, who is gracious, and had a wonderful plan, even when Eve messed up. He’s gracious with us too.
Betsy, and yes, indeed, we are thankful that He is the merciful God of restoration!
Amen! Thank God He is merciful, right Betsy?! Hugs, Susan
Loved the authenticity in your post today, Susan. I was “one of those girls” too! I’m nodding my head in agreement. It’s a trust thing. But alas, He does know best. Now, to continue reminding the strong-willed self within us of that! No is Not a Negative was a good post….am thankful God spoke to you there.
Thanks Kristi! So good to know I’m not alone on this I gotta KNOW stuff. Willful, strong willed. Yep. Well said. HUGS! Susan
I love what you wrote: Yet, we can choose to treasure the truth of God’s Word, the LORD GOD’s Word, in our lives.
Blessings to you,
Thank you Stacey, yep, we gotta give our will to His and treasure it. Blessings to you too. Susan
Amen to this message today, Susan! Taking one step further when the sign says “danger” is or way of exhibiting freedom of choice and strength. How easy it is to forget that God is our strength in everything and He is all we need. Have a blessed weekend!
Mary, my spirit went ummm, ummm, ummm, yes, yes, yes, when I read your words. Indeed, He is all we need. Hugs, Susan
So glad you shared your words at The Weekend Brew!
Come join us at The Weekend Brew! I host there every other week! Would love to have you link up!
Oh yes girl! Been there, done that! I tested the waters, even when the waters were dangerous. And now? Well, you explained it here perfectly. That’s a lesson my heavenly Father keeps teaching me. Thank you so much for mentioning Emily’s post. You are a blessing, friend!
Kristine, thank YOU for introducing me to her yesterday! What a treasure you both are to me and what a TRUTH was revealed to me through reading her words on your blog. HUGS! Susan
What an excellent reminder taken right from the Genesis-Truth. I had one son who seemed hard-wired for testing the limits, and the greatest lesson I learned from parenting him was that I, too, am like Eve, my sister in sin, and all the little games my son played with me (especially the semantics game–“I didn’t hit my brother — I punched him”) are no different than the finagling I do when it’s time to just plain confess and repent.
Thank you for this community! Blessings on your week!
Ohhhhh, Michele, I hear ya! (Since I’m the one that put my momma through those tests…) So thrilled that you are part of this community. You bless me. Hugs, Susan
Great point, Susan! Every time we test a boundary, we are acting just like Eve. I pray I can get over my temptations. Thank you for compelling my heart to WATCH OUT! Love ya!
Amen, girlfriend, my heart hurt, literally hurt, when I realized how I was treating God’s boundaries. They are for my protection. So WATCH OUT would be a good blog post title too…Love ya back!
Dear Susan, oh how many times are we confronted with these temptations and crafty little lies?
It is good to know that the Lord knows how to deliver the righteous from temptation. When we are tempted our faith is tested!
God Bless for sharing Kristin’s post I went over to read it.
Thanks for the Linkup.
Oh, Ifeoma, thank you! Deliver the righteous from temptation. Yes, Lord, keep me far from temptation. So glad you are here, sharing your inspiring words. Hugs, Susan