Finding Calm in the Chaos – Waves of Love

Waves of Love

Waves of love, pure love, pour over me.

Waves of Love, Do you need to know God is love? This post provides 2 powerful scripture and poetry for when you need aves of love to pour over you.

Can you imagine seeing Jesus lift His right hand up to His Father and lower His left hand to earth – to lift us up? And you see pure love pour out on you like a wave washing over you?

Heaven touches earth
Through Jesus Christ
Divinity touches humanity

And love comes down.

Jesus Christ
Bridge Builder

Waves of Love, Do you need to know God is love? This post provides 2 powerful scripture and poetry for when you need aves of love to pour over you.
From Facebook

2 pieces of wood
build a bridge
spanning the gap
from earth to heaven
and enter the
Throne Room of Grace

And love pours out
Upon us.

Like a wave
Is the love of Jesus.

Wash me clean

Like rain
Pouring down
Drench me
Dear Lord God

As You water me…(US!)
Let me (US!) bloom
Into the beautiful creations
You designed
And destined
Us to be.

Your sons and daughters
Dearly loved.
By The Only One
For God is Love.

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8 

And by His holy blood,
The blood of the Lamb
We are washed –
Clean –
White as snow.

I answered, “Sir, you know.” And he said, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Revelation 7:14

In Jesus’ name. Amen