Finding Calm in the Chaos – Obey

Obey. I read this word and recoiled. Why? Obey your parents. Really, God? I’m an adult now-do I STILL have to obey my parents, God?

Obey.  I read this word and recoiled.  Why?

Obey your parents. Really, God? I’m an adult now-do I STILL have to obey my parents, God?

Would you have recoiled or asked a similar question?

So let me ask another question. How many times have you heard or read Ephesians 6 and Deuteronomy 5 in your lifetime? A bunch, right? Yet have you noticed these words before?

Obey. Honor. Commanded. Promise. Go well. Enjoy. Life.

6 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— 3 “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” Ephesians 6:1-3 (NIV)

Let’s tie in the Old Testament words cited in Ephesians 6.

16 “Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the Lord your God is giving you. Deuteronomy 5:16 (NIV)

So I choose to obey.  

What does that look like?  Digging into His Word deeper to learn the lesson God has for me to learn today. Wanna join me in this treasure hunt through His Word we discussed in an earlier #Write31Days post?  If so, dig in!

Obey – yet as an adult with a 30 year old son, am I still instructed to obey my parents? I never truly saw these words here before…in the Lord.

Obey my parents in the Lord? Thank You, Father, for providing godly parents whose job is to instruct me in Your ways and to teach me Your words. I shall obey them – and You.

Honor – your mother and father. Yes, indeed! My mother is 91 and my dad is 90 years YOUNG. My sister sent me a video this weekend of Dad sitting in the freshly plowed dirt, digging and planting her winter garden. Nine each Brussels sprouts, collards and mustard greens…and kale, turnips and spinach!

Did I share he’s 90?! Mom was thrilled to “supervise” his activities from the porch swing…

I’m so very honored to be given the opportunity to still honor them – and I aspire to walk a mile each day and plant a garden with the change of each season when I’m in my 90s like they do. I see hope, faith and belief in action watching them live life to its fullest.

Commanded. As the Lord your God has commanded you. Father, write that on my heart, my soul, my thoughts and actions. May Your commands be my delight.

With a promise – from God. Bless You, Father, May I honor You above all. You promise us so much, yet so often, I give too little in return, Father. May I remember Your promises each day and thank You for them, Lord.

Go well. So it may go well with you. Yes, go well. We each hope and pray that our lives go well, moment by moment, minute by minute as we create memories for a lifetime – and a legacy of love that lives on after us.

Enjoy. Enjoy! God created us to enjoy life, to enjoy HIM, to love HIM, to glorify Him. May we enjoy – HIM above all! With delight, we relish each new morning as our eyes open and our hearts leap with delight.

We GET to share another day – may we be devoted to our Lord God who gives us breath and life, as we breath His Words in prayer and praise for each new day. Help me recognize that in each encounter, You, Father God, orchestrate destiny.

[Tweet “May I enjoy each day, and each delay, recognizing it’s from You, Father, whatever Your purpose.”]

Long life. So you may enjoy long life on earth. Thank You Father. I witness long life looking at my parents. Has it been easy for them, or others like them? No, nor is it easy for any one of us. Yet You are here, guarding, guiding, giving us life. May it be long life that is well lived.

I honor You, Lord God Almighty. I shall obey…

May I let You pave the pay, Lord, versus me pushing my way or trying to even pay my own way.  Your Way is always best.  And Jesus IS The Way.

As Lily Tomlin’s character, Edith Ann, said from her big rocking chair, “And that’s the truth!”

EdithAnn - And that's the truth!

The truth?

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 (NIV)

[Tweet “Amen! Jesus is The Way, The Life and The Truth!”]

Join me here each day in October as we delve deep into His Holy Word, finding calm.  Every day.

4 thoughts on “Finding Calm in the Chaos – Obey

  1. Susan, wise words and so true. We are to honor and obey our parents no matter how old we are. You are so blessed to have your parents living so full of a life. Both of my parents are gone(dad-19 years//mom-3 years), and I miss them so much.

    May the Lord bless you abundantly and completely for your obedience to your parents.

    Bless you.

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