Emmanuel – God is with us. Does that comfort you? It comforts me, deeply.
My sweet friend, Liz Giertz, hosts the weekly Word Nerd Wednesdays at her website where she invites writers to don their nerdiness as they dig deep into Biblical words to share the insights discovered. And I got the MONTH of December this year and today is the last of those four posts exploring different names of God.
Did I share as a kid one of my favorite things to do was learn new words? Yep, I studied the dictionary and encyclopedias (there was no such thing – or even the word – Google then).
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Oh the joy of exploring this name of God! Y’all, I know God is good when I literally hear Emmanuel ringing out on Sirius XM Radio as I begin to dig deep into the meaning of this beautiful name to share with you.
So off we go exploring Hebrew, Greek and Wikipedia for a better understanding of the word Emmanuel. (Now haven’t you ALWAYS wanted to do that?)
To finish reading, click here.
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Oh by the way, today we celebrate the 100th Dance With Jesus linkup. Thank you for joining me and so many other faithful friends here each week. I cherish each one of you. And may I share how much your voice needs to be heard? So keep writing and sharing your words, my precious friends. Yes indeed, keep writing…
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Thank you for stopping by Literacy Musings Monday!
Emmanuel, God with us and also IN us is the amazing fact of the Scriptures. Thank you for your encouraging words, and for sharing your link up with us here at Tell me a Story.
I clicked over and read your poem. So beautiful! Emmanuel – so powerful and comforting!
As my boys leave the nest, the truth that Emmanuel is truly WITH US becomes ever more dear, for I know that He is with them and this is a truth that makes it so much easier to let go.
Emmanuel is one of my favorite names of God and one of my favorite Christmas songs! Happy New Year!
Congrats on #100!!
Thank you Christa! Such an honor to host – and have folks come visit! Truly thank YOU. Hugs, Susan
Yes, it comforts me deeply too. No fears when in Jesus. So I greet 2017 as a gift from God. It’s all in His hands and Jesus sure is with us. Thank you for hosting. Blessings to you!