Dance With Jesus Today

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Hello, I am Susan B Mead, the author of Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace. I am also a speaker, chaplain and mom.  After personally experiencing the hand of God caress my broken heart when my sister committed suicide, my faith transformed from knowing about God to KNOWING GOD. My purpose is to help women look up, light up and live again…out loud and in color.  I live in the Dallas area with my husband of 35+ years and 2 “old girls”, Samantha and Brooklyn, my son’s labs.

“You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness,” Psalm 30:11 (NKJV)

Imagine Jesus’ later life. Jesus ministering for 3 years. The great expectations of the multitude on Palm Sunday. The physical and emotional blackness when God’s Only Son, Jesus, died on the cross.

Yet Christ was sent to conquer death. For each one of us. He set us free for eternity when He arose from the grave three days later.

He loves you. And me. [Tweet “Do you believe Jesus died the death you deserved and rose from the grave to give you life eternal?”] Me too!


As a little girl, did you ever dizzily spin in the sunlight as you spun a dream of your future? Were you holding the hands of your father as you danced? Or were you dancing on his toes as he led you?

Me too. My mother played the piano and dad danced with me. As an infant, he held me on his arm as he waltzed across the room, then on his toes and finally stepping upon those hardwood floors as we swirled and the music swelled.

The steps became more intricate and advanced as Dad helped me become more confident. His tender, yet firm hands guided me through each new step and each new dance.

Our Father also takes our little baby hands, props us on His strong arm, holds us to His broad chest…and begins our dance and our dance lessons. Did you know?

Job 21:11-12, They send forth their children as a flock; their little ones dance about. They sing to the music of timbrel and lyre; they make merry to the sound of the pipe.” (NIV)

As you became aware of God and began to seek His word, were you coming to Him as a babe, with little hands eager – or tentative – to hold His book, His Word and His hand? Thus the dance with God began and our confidence in the dance of life grew.

As the mom of two sons in their 20s, one in college, the other working, I thought the dance of life was simple. My husband and I were empty nesters, working and seeing “the boys” as college and work allowed.

[Tweet “Until the phone call that changed the dance…”]

To read the rest –



5 thoughts on “Dance With Jesus Today

  1. You call me back to that place where I swirled and swirled just dreaming of what was ahead. Thank you for bringing the whimsy back into my heart through your beautiful words of “dance”. Love you Susan. Keep pressing on towards all that God is calling you to. Cheering you from the #RaRalinkup on Purposeful Faith.

    1. Dance on darlin’! God is sooooo good to call us into His gracious arms as He starts us through this dance called life. Love you sweet friend!

  2. Susan, I love the title of your book! And I love the thought that God is bringing you through grief to His grace. I’ve not walked your road, but I’m certainly walking grief and, in that, have seen so much grace. Many blessings to you. I’m your next-door neighbor at #livefreeThursdays. <3

  3. What a gorgeous post. Such a sweet reminder – we have to remember that God knows the steps, and He will lead us through anything. And that He’s been in the depths of pain too. Thank you so much for sharing this!

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