4 Powerful Ways Business Owners Can Lead Calmer, Happier Lives

Many of us are working harder and for longer hours than ever before. We spend more time at work than we do with our families, our spouses and our best friends in order to keep our households afloat in economically tumultuous times.

However, for those who choose to take their careers and their livelihoods into their own hands by going into business for themselves the struggle is that much harder. Entrepreneurs work long hours, often in excess of 60 hours per week. What’s more, because their reputations and livelihoods are so inextricably tied to the success of their business, what little downtime they get is not always spent peacefully.

Yet, while the life of an entrepreneur can be enormously stressful and chaotic, entrepreneurs can take steps to lead calmer, happier, and ultimately healthier lives. We’ve already looked at changes you can make to your workspace, but let’s talk a little about changing yourself. Here are some tips which even time strapped entrepreneurs can follow…

Don’t be afraid to lean on others

Entrepreneurs who feel that their business is their burden alone do so at the expense of their enterprise. Outsourcing can ease the pressure on you while even saving you money in the long run. Visit redkeysolutions.com to check out the benefits of IT outsourcing.

Trust your employees to take care of things rather than dashing around like a hummingbird. And don’t be afraid to lean on consultants, business angels and mentors. It’s what they’re there for.

Control what you can, embrace what you can’t

Running a business is much easier and more pleasant when you feel as though you’re in the driver’s seat. Taking control of your business starts in your office. And that’s a tough pill to swallow for business owners who like to spend their time with their employees, helping out with customers.

Still, the shop floor may not provide the best vantage point from which to track your progress. Only when you arm yourself with analytic data can you review your performance, track your progress and adjust your strategy in accordance with your findings to achieve your goals.

Be kind to others and yourself

Kindness is extremely important in business. It helps customers to form an emotional connection with your business and your brand. It builds your employees’ faith and confidence in you and reduces the risk of talent flight. Most of all, it’s important to be kind to yourself. Look after your mind and body so stress does not get the better of you… which could be disastrous for your health and your business.


Finally, don’t forget that aside from business angels, mentors and other sources of advice and guidance there’s always one business expert who’s door is always open, The Lord of all.

The power of prayer in business is not to be underestimated. It reminds us that God loves us and cares for us but it also helps us to order our thoughts and come to terms with them by articulating them, either aloud or in our heads, while we pray.

Watch yourselves so you don’t lose what we have worked for, but that you may receive a full reward.

2 John 1:8 (HCSB)

Work as if for the Lord, for He rewards those who follow Him faithfully. And that is good news.

God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.

Hebrews 6:10 (NIV)

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