Dance With Jesus – A Metaphor for Finding Joy

Ok, y’all this feels kinda weird, yet I was invited to share my story with Kristi Woods for her #YourStory series earlier this week – so it is here for you to “get to know me a bit better” if you don’t know it already.

Hugs – from my heart to yours. You are precious to me. Every single one of you who visits each week. Thank you.

Have you ever felt like the journey of healing from losing someone dear to you was NOT what you hoped for?

Do you often find yourself feeling lost, alone, overwhelmed and unsure how to help yourself, much less someone else in your family?

Would you like to see that someone else has walked this path, so you can? Me too. There is HOPE…

Have you ever written an answer to a Bible Study question that took longer than the two lines provided? I did – and it became the book Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace. The question Henry Blackaby posed in Experiencing God was what does God want you to do, right now?

I heard deep in my spirit, “Sing My love song.” And laughed out loud at God.

Seriously God, You will have to send me a bucket, because You KNOW I can’t carry a tune. Then the next deep spiritual nudge was, “What’s in your hand? Use it.” I was writing in the workbook, so a pen was in my hand…

I swept away the workbook, got out a clean journal and out the story poured. At 5:30 am, I looked up as I wrote the last words. The very first email I read later that day was from Proverbs 31 Ministries about their upcoming SheSpeaks 2013, a speakers and WRITERS conference.

Seriously God? You WANT me to DO something with this? OK.

So the story begins…

If you want to read on, continue here on Kristi’s website.

And join the linkup below!

Do you find yourself feeling lost, alone, overwhelmed and unsure how to help yourself, much less someone else in your family find joy? Join us - for hope.

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26 thoughts on “Dance With Jesus – A Metaphor for Finding Joy

  1. Hi from your neighbor at God-Sized-Dreams. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful story. The Lord uses our pain and grief in amazing ways for His glory. May your soul be refreshed as you continually praise His name.

    1. Cheryl, Yes, it is breathtaking to witness how God works all for good, isn’t it?! Thank you for taking the time to comment. Hugs, Susan

    1. Oh Jamie, community. We are created for community. If my story helps ONE person, God is redeeming it. And wowow, oh wowow, how I pray for redemption! Hugs, Susan

  2. Your testimony of God’s grace through the death of your son is beautiful. What an unfathomable loss and what unfathomable grace!

    1. Oh Elizabeth, your beautiful words touch my soul like a feather – what a soft caress of hope and beauty they are to me. Hugs, Susan

  3. You’re a beautiful woman with a God story. It’s a tough one for certain, but somehow you still offer praise where praise is due. He’s such a good God, even in the midst of pain and grief. Love you, my friend. Sending lots of hugs across the miles

  4. Susan- I commented over at Kristi’s site but wanted to thank you for sharing. I can’t even imagine, but I’m glad you are sharing what God is doing with others!

  5. I read your story on Kristi’s website yesterday, Susan, and my momma heart breaks for you to have known that pain and loss. I can’t imagine. I am so sorry. Thank you for letting Him minister grace to others through your discoveries and in spite of the difficulty that must involve. Praying for His continued mercy and peace as you tell your story.

    1. Dawn, God is SOOOOO good to me and so very faithful, that there are sooooo many great days now. I call it living out loud and in color for He turned my black world bright with His majestic light of Love. Hugs, Susan

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