The Secrets of Building Biblical Wealth

When we apply God’s word in our daily lives, we will live more abundantly. These are universal principles – and also Christian principles. Let’s address the secrets of Biblical wealth.

Emma was crying. Tears were streaming down her face. There were pages of numbers in front of her and the numbers meant something. She was in trouble.

Emma and her husband were Christians.

They knew their Bibles but failed to apply Biblical principles to their money.

When we apply God’s word in our daily lives, we live more abundantly, both a universal and Christian principle. Join us to discover Biblical wealth secrets.

This affected every other area of their lives.

We sat down and started looking at their financial reality. That started the tears – they realized that they were spending $4,000 a month even though they were only making $1,000 a month. And they acknowledged that they were in trouble. For the first time in their lives, they realized that they were drowning financially.

Emma and Ethan have a major problem. A problem that is the #1 leading cause of divorce – money. The average rate of divorce in America is 50%.[i] Unfortunately, among Christians, the percentage is not much better. However, Tom Corley did a study among wealthy individuals, and the divorce rate is only 20%. [ii] Why so low?

I shared with Emma and Ethan my own journey. How my wife and I lived well below the poverty line before we learned to practice a few simple money habits. I offered to share a few Biblical secrets for getting their finances in order. Also, if she was interested, I suggested that Emma could go shopping with my wife and she could see firsthand how my wife spent only a fourth of what Emma was spending on groceries.

As a pastor, I have had many people like Emma and Ethan call for financial assistance. In each instance, the caller presents emergency dire situation that he or she is desperate to get out of. When those emergencies began to occur on a regular basis, I realized that I have not been providing long-term solutions.


In multiple places, the Bible lays out the principles of building wealth. Proverbs 14:24 tells us, “The crown of the wise is their riches, but the foolishness of fools is folly.”

When we apply God’s word in our daily lives, we will live more abundantly.[iii] These are universal principles – and also Christian principles.

This pathway to financial freedom takes sacrifice. This is not the prosperity gospel.

While I believe in God’s blessing, I am always amazed when people expect God’s blessing when they are not following God’s counsel.

It’s kind of like me telling my two-year-old son that the stove is hot and not to touch it. When I turn my back, my son goes over and touches the stove. I warned him, he didn’t listen, and he faced the consequences of his actions.

The Bible explains key habits to change your financial future for the better, but you must take that information and use it to review and modify your habits. Modern researchers have confirmed these principles. What do you know? God knew what He was talking about!

I never heard from Emma and Ethan again. Their bank accounts were hemorrhaging, but they were not willing to change.

Are you willing to make a Biblical change in your habits that could stabilize and increase your wealth?

God has promised to give each of us the fruit of the Spirit, and when I follow those principles in my everyday life God will bless me.

When I show kindness to my wife, my relationship prospers. When I show self-control in my diet, my health improves. When I exhibit gentleness, also defined as a willingness to yield, the Holy Spirit can lead me to new truth. And when I show faithfulness in finances and keep investing month after month, I will be able to live my retirement dreams. Christian growth is not limited to growth in our spiritual lives, but in all areas – mental, physical, social, spiritual, and financial.

God gives you blessings so that you will be a blessing to other people and point people to Christ. Matthew reminds us, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”[iv]

In His Word, God has blessed us with the wisdom and habits that will also be a blessing to other people. Will you search for these principles? Will you join me in this journey, investigating how a 2,700-year-old book is still relevant in the area of personal finance? [v]

About Jonathan

When we apply God’s word in our daily lives, we live more abundantly, both a universal and Christian principle. Join us to discover Biblical wealth secrets.

Jonathan Geraci resides in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. He is the pastor of a church located 400 kilometers (250 miles) south of the Arctic Circle. He is married with two small children and enjoys being active outdoors, getting involved in the community, and teaching about Biblical financial principles.

When we apply God’s word in our daily lives, we live more abundantly, both a universal and Christian principle. Join us to discover Biblical wealth secrets.

Jonathan is also the author of Wealth Building Secrets from the Bible, a book full of powerful truth that guides you to look at your finances differently. His teaching has blessed many families and has the potential to bless you too.

Contact Pastor Jonathan via his website to book a weekend Wealth Building Secrets Seminar in your local church or community.

[i] retrieved on October 25, 2017
[ii] retrieved October 25, 2017
[iii] John 10:10
[iv] Matthew 5:16
[v] retrieved October 25, 2017

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