4th of July Wordless Wednesday

We Welcome You To The 4th Of July Wordless Wednesday where this week we are featuring Independence Day entries from this months parties, hope you enjoy!!

Oh-My-Heartsie-Girls-WWOh My Heartsie Girl and bloggy friends Welcomes you to The Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday, and we take the opportunity to introduce you to meet new friends, as they are highlighted in our post each week. Something new, you can be sure!! Our Wordless Wednesday is
One Party Seen on (9) Beautiful Blogs❢❢❢

What do you have to share, a recipe, review, diy craft, gardening hints, travel, beauty ideas, jewelry you make, a card you have made, we want to see it all!
Welcome 889321dkvfo8u72a

And if you Missed Last Weeks Party You Can Still Check Out All Those That Linked up along with out Co-Hosts and their wonderful Blogs!!!
:❢:❢ You Can See All The Entries Here :❢:❢
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Oh My Heartsie Girl♥Karren-Host //Oh My Heartsie Girl // Swim, Sun Fun Giveaway //We would love it if you entered to win in this Multiple Prize Page Giveaway Ends 7/9
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Divider 989321gyey13hzitWright Simply ♥Co-Host Ashleigh // Simply Wright // ReUse BIRCHBOX Boxes // If you have a stockpile going of leftover boxes that are taking up space, I will share with you how to repurpose them with ideas for covering.
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Divider 989321gyey13hzitCherishing A Sweet Life #OMHGWW ♥Co-Host Christine // Cherishing A Sweet Life // Lemon Creme Brulee Tart /// I wanted to share with you my Lemon Cream Brulee Tart that is made with a no-cook filling on a shortbread crust, so simple and less time.
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Couponin Diva #OMHGWW♥Co-Host Fredda // Coupon Diva // How To Rack Up On Free Gift Cards // Rack up on free gift cards and use them to buy things you don’t want to spend your money on so you don’t break your budget. Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
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Mommies Point of View ♥Co-Host Glenda Cates // Mommies Point of Review /Bahama Beach Waterpark makes a lazy “Sunday Family Fun”!! // Charlie, David and I would love to show you some of the fun things we have done this Summer. Including visiting Bahama Beach Water Park in Dallas, Texas.
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Susan B Mead ♥Co-Host Susan B Mead // Susan B Mead //The Hooker & the Homeless // The hooker and the homeless hang out on Harry Hines Blvd. It’s not normally in my path, yet recently I was compelled to travel Harry Hines. It’s definitely gotten better over the years, but…
I always make sure it’s daylight
My doors are locked
My purse is out of sight
I know EXACTLY where to exit
Safe. No way, I didn’t feel safe traveling Harry Hines. Until that day God showed up…
Twitter | FacebookDivider 989321gyey13hzitDonna Two Chicks and a Mom♥Co-Host Donna Wirthlin // Two Chicks And A Mom // Patriotic Candle Holders // Patriotic wooden candle holders–fun to make, festive and a great addition to your holiday decor. Instructions and supply list included at our blog site!
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The Fabulous Journey #OMHGWW♥Co-Host Shellie Bowdoin // The FABulous Journey // Seaside, Florida In A Fabulous Hi-Lo Maxi Dress // I have visited beaches all over the world in my travels, but Seaside, Florida definitely ranks as one my favorites. For my day in the sun I chose this fabulous hi-lo maxi dress.
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From Evija With Love #OMHGWWCo-Host Evija Roberts // From Evija with Love //How to paint and cover set of chairs – MAKEOVER //I thought this would be an easy and straightforward project and didn’t expect to run into difficulties..didn’t quite go as smooth as I wanted!Twitter | Bloglovin |Google+ | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram
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What Is Your Favorite Feature This Week?
Best Picks from last weeks partynautical-july-4th Lovely Living ThingsNautical July 4th Table Vignette | Lovely Living Things
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Patriotic-Wreaths The Jenny Evolution
DIY Patriotic Wreaths |The Jenny Evolution Divider 989321gyey13hzit
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The Gilbert Burger at Our Mini Family
Divider 989321gyey13hzitred-white-and-blue-tarts-1 Summer Scraps
Red White and Blue Tarts | Summer ScrapesDivider 989321gyey13hzitWhite-Chocolate-Cherry-Vanilla-Cheesecake-No-Bake91“White Chocolate Cherry Vanilla Cheesecake”? The Baking Chocolatess
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Oh-My-Heartsie-Girls-WWA Few Rules And Etiquette For The Party Are Simple
~ Please follow the Host and Co-Hosts on at least 1 of their Social Media
~ NO adult content please (They will be deleted —-of course) And please
♥::: Leave a Link…..Leave a Comment….Please ::::♥
~ When You Comment We Do The Same, Thank you 🙂
~ Help Grow Our WW We Would Love It If You Grab Our banner for your side bar, just copy and paste, or link back in your WW post would be great.

Linking Rule
Divider 989321gyey13hzit If You Would Like To Co-Host Our Wordless Wednesday,
please signup now and reserve your place in The August Wordless Wednesday!!
Read All The Details and Enter Your Information Here ❢❢❢

Share how you will celebrate Independence Day, the 4th of July, with your family and friends.  I’d love to know…I’ll be singing (slightly out of tune) My Country ’tis of Thee…

6 thoughts on “4th of July Wordless Wednesday

  1. It was a treat co hosting with you this week! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week!! And happy 4th of July!

  2. Awesome link-up, Susan! So looking forward to trying a lot of the recipes and crafts that I see here! Hope you have a wonderful 4th of July! Peace and many blessings to you, Love! 🙂

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