You Are Invited

You’re Invited to #DanceWithJesus

a Virtual Book Tour

#DanceWithJesus Beach  BASH Book Tour

What:       #DanceWithJesus Birthday Beach Bash Book Tour

Why:                           Celebrate Kyle Mead’s 28th birthday  (August 27)

(the inspiration for #DanceWithJesus)

When:                         28 days of fun: July 31 – August 27

Where:                       Online ~ Susan Mead’s blog, YOUR blog, Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram, and Pinterest

Party Favors: 

 Beach Sandals team (27 members) receives these party favors:

·     (2) signed paperback copies of Dance with Jesus (one for you, one for giveaway – or use both to giveaway)

·      eBook copy

·      printables

·      other surprise goodies

Beach Sand team (up to 50 members) receives these party favors:

·      (1) signed paperback copy of Dance with Jesus

·      eBook copy

·      printables

·      other surprise goodies

Ocean Water team (unlimited members) receives these party favors:

·      eBook copy

·      printables

Wish list:          28 days of fun (July 31-August 27)

Beach Sandals Team (27 members):

·      One email to your email list/family & friends inviting them to buy the book Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace – content for you to personalize provided by Susan/Kim

·      One guest post on Susan’s blog – submission details will be sent upon acceptance

·      One book review with book giveaway post on your blog

·      Once daily social media posts on platform(s) of your choice

·      Amazon (& Goodreads if you are already on Goodreads) book review

Beach Sand team (up to 50 members):

·      One email to your email list/family & friends inviting them to buy the book Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace – content for you to personalize provided by Susan/Kim

·      One book review with book giveaway post on your blog

·      3-5x/week social media posts on platform(s) of your choice

·      Amazon (& Goodreads if you are already on Goodreads) book review

Ocean Water team (unlimited members)

·      One email to your email list/family & friends inviting them to buy the book Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace – content for you to personalize provided by Susan/Kim

·      One book review post on your blog

·      1-3X/week social media posts on platform(s) of your choice

·      Amazon book review


Dance with Jesus is a precious little 5×7 book of only 130 pages. It can easily be read in one sitting.  Want to read the first couple of chapters and the reviews? Amazon Link to Dance With Jesus Book

We will provide the Party Supplies (content), including a Facebook group, to share lots of images and social media posts for you to use as well for the email, FB, Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest ~ What to say, when to say it. 

You choose where to post ~ on your favorite social media platforms! You write the book review for Amazon, your blog post and, should you be selected for the Beach Sandals Team, you will write a guest blog post for Susan’s blog.


On the form BELOW or via email to kim (@) kimstewartinspired (dot) com to say YES.  We will send you the book to read, review, blog about and share with your friends and family to invite them to #DanceWithJesus too.

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We will do our very best to match dates to your preferences for posting should you be selected to the Beach Sandals Team, however, we cannot guarantee the dates you prefer will match the available dates for guest posting on Susan’s blog.  The great news – you totally control the posting dates on your blog as an Beach Sand or Ocean Water team member!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining the dance as we DanceWithJesus. (virtually!)

Ecclesiastes assures us…

that there is a time for every purpose under heaven.

A time to laugh… and a time to weep.

A time to mourn… and there is a time to dance.

~ Ren (Kevin Bacon) Footloose (1984)

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37 thoughts on “You Are Invited

  1. SUSAN! This is AWESOME Lady! I need a few more days to flush out my schedule. But I love that this is after She Speaks and while I am off for the summer. So give me a couple of days to pose dates that might work. Let’s do this!!!

  2. What a wonderful idea, thank you for allowing us all to join in the celebration and book launch. What a wonderful way to honour your son. Thank you for sharing this with us at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings

  3. I love this idea of honoring your son, Susan. Thank you for sharing your heart and linking up at #IntentionalTuesday on Intentionally Pursuing. : )

  4. Hi Susan,
    It’s a privilege to participate in the celebration of the launching of your book, Dance With Jesus; you must be so excited! You’ve got great reviews on Amazon – awesome! I read the part of your book that’s on Amazon and although my heart cries for your devastating loss, I’d like to say that what I’ve read is beautifully written.
    Besides being a great writer, you’ve got a beautiful, loving spirit. My spirit started dancing when I read that 10% of your book proceeds are going to Water for Life – that’s near and dear to me as well.
    Congratulations to you my sister for all of your God-breathed accomplishments. I’m looking forward to the P A R T Y!!!!
    May God’s favor and peace be with you always. 😉 Jodee

    1. Jodee, you just blessed my sock off! Thank you for your precious words. It encourages me. Mightily! Now, let’s Party! My son would say PAR-TAY!

      Hugs, Susan

  5. Thanks for the opportunity to serve on the launch team. I will help promote through Literacy Musing Mondays. Would you like to guest post for us at the top of the linkup one week?

  6. Thanks so much for allowing us the privilege of joining you in celebrating your son’s birthday and this book!

  7. Dearest Susan,

    What a lovely way to honor your son’s birthday! Thank you for inviting all of us to join in the celebration!

    Blessings and hugs,

      1. I absolutely have joined! I have received my package already and dug in. I have not received any correspondence about any details yet if you’ve sent them however. I don’t want to miss anything 🙂 .

  8. Susan,
    What a creative way to honor Kyle and celebrate his birthday. It some like so much fun. Blessings to you as the Lord continues to carry the message of grief to grace to the masses.

  9. My first thought is how fun!!! My second thought is what a beautiful tribute for your son and as a way to reach those who are grieving for any number of reasons. Your community is a blessing and it exudes love and encouragement. Love that you are doing this. Blessings!

  10. Hi Susan! Just wanted to let you know that I’m having trouble with the form above, so I will send you an email. Happy to help share the Dance with Jesus message:)

  11. Thanks for the opportunity to join virtual book launch tour for your new book.
    Thanks for the linkup here today.
    Can’t wait for the book tour. Always exciting!
    God Bless and have a wonderful weekend ahead.

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