The Jesus you see in me


The Jesus you see in me:

Beckons you and me to walk with Him

Calls you and me to talk to Him

Whispers to you and me to listen to His sweet voice

Challenges you and me to BELIEVE what He is sharing

Do it.
Yep. Just do it

Have you heard His voice recently?  Was there healing in His words?  Comfort?  Peace?  Joy?  Delight in sharing with you?

So why do we put EVERYTHING ahead of our precious time with Jesus?

Can you see Him?

Can you see Him in me?

Am I living a life that glorifies HIM?

Are you?

[Tweet “The Jesus you see in me… is on bended knee praying for each & every one of us.”] To turn our ear to hear, our eyes to see & our hearts to feel.

May His holy presence permeate me so completely you see Him clearly and fully rather than in a mirror dimly…

12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. ~ 1 Corinthians 13:12 (NIV)


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53 thoughts on “The Jesus you see in me

  1. Hi Susan,

    This is my first time stopping by your blog…so glad I came 🙂 Loved your Jesus arrow graphic it drew me in. My prayer is that my life would be a giant directional arrow pointing to Jesus. Thanks for the encouragement this morning!

  2. “Why do we put everything above of our precious time with Jesus?”….so so true. Last week I had the worst day and as I was grouching through it I realized that I hadn’t spent time with the Lord and had I put that first all the yuck of the day wouldn’t have been so yucky. So glad you joined my link up party at #wordswithwinter!

  3. Wonderful, Susan! I missed seeing this on Friday, was such a busy week. My post for this week speaks of this very thing, about the blessing of hearing our heavenly Father speak words of love into our hearts. There is so much transformative power in His words! Thank you for encouraging others to seek Him in this tangible way!
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. Susan,
    He has opened to ‘eyes’ to see him. Even in the littlest of things, He is here and looking to commune with us. A few years ago He told me, “See Me. See the magnificence in the mundane.” Happy to have eyes to see and ears to hear so I can move in step, in time with Him.

  5. Why do we put everything ahead of Jesus? Oh, how I wish I wouldn’t. It’s so easy to forget and get caught up in the day. The writing, even. Writing for Him, instead of spending time with Him. How can we ever expect our ministry to bless others if we forget the one thing? We mustn’t.
    Thank you for this encouraging post, and thanks for hosting!

  6. Susan Mead, I see Jesus in you every time I see your face. 🙂 I thank God for your courage to share your story with others. Love you!

  7. Yes, even though we know time with Him is the most important thing, we often push it back to the last think on our list! Blessings to you today, Susan:)

  8. I want Jesus in me and I want others to see that too. May my life glorify His and shine as an example for others. Happy weekend friend!

  9. Love your words of “Just Do it!” Yep, that’s it. Get in there with Jesus. Just start dancing! You inspire us Susan to greater intimacy. Love that. I pray all your dreams are coming true with this book and that the Lord makes it dance through the world! Go Susan Go! You have this with Jesus as your guide.

  10. Susan, I’m so sorry we couldn’t connect yesterday. Wednesdays are my best days as they are my time with Potter’s House ministries, but also my worst days to do anything but that.

    Next time you come this way, let me know.


  11. Hi Susan finding you from #livefreeThursday. I would like to participate in your link up too. For some reason your Mailchimp is not working. It says there is an issue with my submission. You are free to enter my email address in your self so that I can “Join the Dance” and be encouraged by your posts. jodiesdye @ gmail Have a great day!

    1. Jodie, thanks for letting me know the submission is acting up right now. We have some updates going on so it may have been offline. I will add you. The linkup goes live at 5 am Central each Friday. I’m honored that you would like to “join the dance” with us!

  12. Beautiful post! Love your words! Visiting from #LiveFreeThursday. Looking forward to #DancewithJesus Friday.

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