Yesterday, the sky was clear, the sun was out, and the birds outside my window were singing loud choruses.
There must have been 15 birds chirping in harmony for all to hear.
They were so loud that I almost couldn’t focus on what I was doing.
However, just a few days before, on a rainy day – ONLY ONE bird was singing.
He was perched up on a power line chirping his little heart out.
Raindrops were falling, the skies were gray, but he kept right on singing.
As that one small bird began to sing in the gloominess, others began to sing back.
There was an echo effect.
I heard one bird sing out, then a few others would answer him back.
I began to think about how we are so much like those birds.
Most of us sing with great fervor and passion when our skies are blue and the sun is out.
When we have money in the bank…
When the kids are all fine…
When our health is stellar…
When things are sweet…
However, when our skies are gray and the rain is falling in our lives, we stop singing.
When the clouds form…
When the bills come due…
When our friends desert us…
When things don’t go our way…
I wonder what might happen if we began to sing anyway – no matter what the weather, no matter what the circumstances.
What if belted out a song – no matter the weather?
What if we turned up the music right in the middle of our hardest moments?
How might we be changed and uplifted?
[Tweet “May our singing in hard seasons encourage others to sing in the storms too.”]And, we do ALWAYS have something to sing about.
I read it this morning:
Matthew 6:26-27
“Look at the birds in the sky.
They do not store food for winter.
They don’t plant gardens.
They do not sow or reap—and yet,
they are always fed because your heavenly
Father feeds them.
And you are even more precious to Him than
a beautiful bird.
If He looks after them,
of course He will look after you.
Worrying does not do any good;
who here can claim to add even an hour to
his life by worrying??”
So, my encouragement to you (and to myself) today is simply…
~ keep singing,
~ keep praising,
~ keep hoping,
No matter what the weather looks like!
Even if your singing doesn’t change your circumstances, it WILL change you!
I’m so honored to feature Melanie Redd’s words regarding how to sing today. Here’s an introduction:
Blogger, author, speaker, encourager and teacher, Melanie’s passion is to offer HOPE! Married to Randy for 25 years; the couple enjoys travel, eating out, and hanging out with their two college-aged kids. You can read more from Melanie on her blog at
Connect with her here:
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I love this illustration of how the birds sing and respond to one another. Sometimes I think that is what happens with these Linkup opportunities as we seek to encourage one another and others. Looking forward to the next thing the Lord inspires you to share!
Grace and love,
What a beautiful comparison! It’s so true that singing may not change our circumstances but it will change us! I had a smile on my face when I saw that Melanie’s post was the one right before mine at Cheerleaders of Faith today. Thank you for the refreshing words!
This is so inspiring, Melanie! You have a great way of taking the moments in your life and weaving them into relatable and memorable truths for all of us. I’m so glad that Susan shared your thoughts with us today. And yes, I want to learn to sing no matter the circumstances. This is something I’ve been convicted about lately as I study Philippians. Paul was such a many of “joy” in every circumstance. 🙂
Melanie, this is an incredibly beautiful message! Your words brought my heart so much joy, sweet friend! Thank you so much for sharing this! … And thank you so much for hosting, Susan! May GOD bless you both now and always! 🙂
We can learn so much from those so much smaller than ourselves in God’s creation. Thank you. I am humbled.
That was a beautiful, encouraging post. And, thanks for hosting, Susan!
Hey Susan!
Thanks so much for sharing my post today on your site! What a privilege!
And, I do pray that we will all keep singing – no matter the weather!
You are a blessing to my life~
And you mine, Melanie. I’m so glad God put us together! Hugs
You’ve created a realistic vision, covered with encouragement. He is worthy, He is capable, He is to be praised regardless of the circumstances. Sing it loud and clear. Good word, especially in light of the recent loss of a close family member. I’ll be singing today from “here”. xo
Hugs Kristi. May you sing in this hard season knowing God has you covered. And He loves to hear your voice
Beautiful! I have been guilty of silencing my song in the stormy seasons of life but it is in those seasons I need to sing even louder!
Amen and well said Sarah!
What a word! Thanks for sharing the space with Melanie. Just the week I was thing the same thing. It’s easy to praise when all is well but what happens when the storms of life rush in? Keep on singing. Amen!
Indeed Tyra! Sing. Loud and clear
Thanks so much for hosting!
My pleasure Debbie. Thanks for linking up and sharing your FUN!
Susan- I love this- So beautifully said- Thank you for reminding me today-xox
You’re most welcome Suzie. I’m so honored Melanie wanted to share with us!
This is beautiful encouragement today, Susan. I had some challenges yesterday that made me stop singing. (Or I let myself stop.) Today I’m resolved again to keep singing His praise! Blessings on you this weekend, friend!
Beautiful Betsy. And hugs from me to you for the hard spots that are there. Better hugs come from our Comforter!
Thank you so much for the post and the reminder; they were beautiful and inspiring words. I am currently trying to form the habit of constantly keeping the Father on my mind, so that served as a wonderful reminder to continually sing about Him and his glory, no matter my circumstances. Also thanks so much for the link party and giving us a chance to share our work!
A good reminder Susan, to keep singing in the rain!
Blessings to you and thank you for hosting.
Patti, thank you. I’m so honored folks come link up! Hugs.
Melanie, what encouraging words! By grace, we can be like that little bird, singing our hearts out against gray skies. Thanks for turning our eyes today to the source of our song.
And thanks, Susan, for blessing us each week with your hospitality!
Michele, my honor and pleasure! Melanie’s words are beautifully encouraging today aren’t they?!
Yes! May we all be like that little lone bird, singing our hearts out in the midst of the clouds! Wonderful thought today, Melanie. Thank you for these uplifting words. Today when I look out my window and see the birds singing, I’m going to have a new perspective. Bless you!
Sing your little heart out- to our great God! He’s rejoicing with these voices raised to Him today!
Sweet words today. I really enjoyed reading this. I will keep my eyes on the birds and remember to keep singing.
Keep singing Kelly! You have such blessings in your life. Singing His praises!
So good to see Melanie here!
Yes my dear friend…What if we sing when the skies are gray…What if we choose to sing when things don’t go the way we expect…
I am not stopping..
I will keep singing..
I will find strength in Christ to carry on
I will hope on Him until my change comes.
God Bless Melanie and Susan
PS Thanks for the Linkup
Amen, amen and amen Ifeoma! What a beautiful perspective!