Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace

Why did I write my book, “Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace?”

So why did I write Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace? I was in the midst of doing a Bible study called Experiencing God. One night the question said: “What does God want you to do right now, right now?

I heard “Sing my love song,” and I laughed out loud.  I said “Seriously, God. You’re going to have to send me a bucket because I can’t carry a tune and you know that.” Then that gentle spirit inside said, “What’s in your hand?” There was a pen in my hand because I was doing a workbook…

I swept the workbook away, got a journal out, put pen to paper, and the story simply flowed out.

At 5:30 AM, as I put the pen down, I realized the story was done. The next day, the very first email I saw was from Proverbs 13 Ministry’s “She Speaks Speakers and Writers Conference”.

“Writers Conference? Seriously, God? You want me to do something with this? Okay.” And the story began.

That’s why I wrote the book Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace.

Until next time, Susan B. Mead
Author, Chaplain, Mom

2 thoughts on “Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace

  1. Wow!!! that is all I can really say right now. That is so neat. God is so real. I sense God is on the move through you!!! I feel a bit giddy inside for you. Maybe a better word would be excited instead of giddy.

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