When God Helps Us See Him

Carmen Horne joins us for the Dance With Jesus Birthday Beach Bash and Blog Tour today.  Being a wife, mom and serving women through her local congregation has been great preparation for Carmen’s passion – writing, speaking and, helping others move passed brokenness. She has been married to her fella, Lary, for 38 years.

Carmen Horne bio pic

Carmen is currently pursuing a certification in Christian Life Coaching through the American Association of Christian Counselors and is excited to see where God will use her training for His glory.  She adores dark chocolate and visiting the beach. Her family makes their home in the Bayou State. You will find her talking about life at carmenhorne.com.

When God Helps Us See Him

When God Helps Us See Him

Have there been times in your life when you knew God wanted to be especially “visible” to you? Times when He wanted you to notice Him at work on your behalf?

Susan B. Mead speaks of this in her book, Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace, page 47, “On the morning of Kyle’s service, I had a dream. Kyle was dancing – like the photo – with Jesus!…Jesus turned, looked at me, and said, ‘This is to bring you great joy. I taught him how to dance.” This dream, a moment in time, helped her put one foot in front of the other that day and many days after. I get that because I had a similar dream after my beloved grandfather, Papaw Daniel, passed away. My dream, just like Susan’s, brought such peace. Those sweet visits helped us both see our loved ones were OK.

Beth Moore calls those “GodStops”. Here’s Beth, “… In essence, God’s glory is any way in which He makes Himself recognizable. When I see a brilliant sunset I know no artist could paint, I recognize God through His masterpiece. Likewise, when something happens in my day that I know is more than a coincidence, I am learning to recognize God in it. Part of our faith-walk experience will be learning to recognize God in our midst by noticing visible prints of His invisible hands… I am convinced that the more we learn to recognize and appreciate His interventions and revelations, the more we are likely to receive them…When God makes Himself observable, we want to stop and take notice….A GodStop is any means by which God seems to go out of His way during your day to make Himself known to you…” – Beth Moore, Excerpt from “Believing God”

Sometimes we need God to go out of His way for us to notice. When we are buried in grief or buried in life issues or even the laundry, we can miss His provision. We can miss that He has generously provided all we need – with leftovers.

2 Corinthians 9:8, NLT “And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.”

When I was working through Beth’s Believing God study, she asked us to write down a few GodStops every night. In the beginning, my journal was, I got a good parking space. As the weeks moved forward, I was amazed. The more I noticed, the more visible His hand became.

I’ve been missing my GodStops lately. I know He is there but, I have been too busy to see His handiwork. The plight of busyness has dulled my spiritual ears. Being attentive to the Holy Spirt is vital because, in the small moments, He whispers quietly.

I challenge myself to begin, once again, recording God’s “visible prints of His invisible hands” in my life. I challenge you as well.

He is there- “The Lord has done great things for us, and we are very glad.” Psalm 126:3

Oh, by the way, join the #DanceWithJesus social “chatter” for your chance to WIN $100.  Like that?! It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3.

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2 thoughts on “When God Helps Us See Him

  1. Thanks so much for sharing. Just found your website & story today, Susan. Very moving. Thanks to you both for the encouragement.

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