When Angels Rejoice

We are honored to have Deborah join us for the Dance With Jesus Birthday Beach Party and Blog Tour today.  She is The Farmer’s Wife behind Growing In His Grace,  where she encourages other sisters in Christ to grow daily in the free gift of grace we have been so lovingly given.

Me sun set 2


When Angels Rejoice

Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!                                                                                                                                                         Luke 15:6

I could tell he was thinking deeply.  Intensely.  Something was on his mind and had been for awhile.  This loved one of mine—a fine, young, grown man—was putting together in his innermost being what the meaning of life was all about.

“What are you thinking about?” I asked him as I continued to wash the dishes.  He was quiet for quite some time.  I had almost entirely forgotten the question I’d asked when he finally answered some hours later at the dinner table.

“God says the angels rejoice when a sinner is saved.”

I smiled at first, but then became concerned as he didn’t seem happy with the concept.  I waited for further explanation.

“But it also says that God already knows everything.  How is it that they rejoice if they already know what’s coming?”

When Angels Rejoice 2

It began a beautiful conversation that evening.

We discussed how angels are different than God.  That they don’t know everything just because God does.

We discussed how valuable people are.  Every.  Last.  Person.  Have you ever felt like a complete failure?  Completely unlikable?  Unlovable?  Jesus further tells us,

“there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.”                                                                                                                                                                 Luke 15:7

Did you catch that?  More than 99 righteous.  More.

Friends, at our worst, we are valuable.  And not just to anyone—to the Creator of everything.  He makes beautiful creatures.  And each and every one of us is one of His creatures—perfectly beautiful in His eyes.

At my worst, He loves me so greatly I could never fully understand.

Lastly, we discussed birthdays.  It is not a surprise to most of us when our birthday comes around each year.  We know what day we were born.  We know that it will be on the calendar this year, and next year, and the next.

When a young child has a birthday, we know when it is coming—we are not taken by surprise.  And yet, we celebrate.  When our child turns one, or two, or three…or ten…we celebrate.  And those around us celebrate too when we tell them about our little’s birthday.  We laugh, we cry, we take pictures.

Friends, when one of us makes that most important step of our lives and comes to Jesus, He isn’t surprised.  God knows when that day is coming.  He is not taken by surprise.  And He celebrates.  And those around Him—the angels—celebrate too when they find out.

Perhaps Jesus laughs, or even sheds tears of joy.  And instead of taking pictures, our name is added to the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Time is precious Friends.  If we really love those around us, we will share with them just how much God loves and values each one of them.  How Angels will rejoice over them—just them—if they will commit to the Savior.

Because time runs out.

We don’t always get another birthday.

August 27 would have been Kyle’s 28th birthday.  He was full of love and full of life.  I never got to meet him, but I know this to be true by the words his mother Susan has shared with me.  And she’s sharing them with the world in her book Dance With Jesus.  (You can see my review and enter for a chance to win your own signed copy here).

Kyle has already beat us all home.  Angels have rejoiced, and he’s busier than ever now dancing with Jesus.  But here’s the fun part for the rest of us—we’re celebrating his birthday anyway.  And not just one day either.

We’re celebrating Kyle with 28 days of fun from July 31 to August 27 over at SusanBMead.com, where I am guest posting today.  Will you join us?

Please stop by and leave a note of love for Susan to encourage her as she encourages us.

Oh, by the way,  join the social media chatter for your chance to WIN $100 Giveaway. It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3.

DWJ Social Media Contest



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10 thoughts on “When Angels Rejoice

  1. Thank you for sharing that conversation. It was quite thought provoking. And I like how she tied it all with birthdays. It makes perfect sense. 🙂

    1. Thank you for your kind words Janice. I wrote this piece a long time ago and never scheduled it. When I heard about Kyle, I just knew it would be perfect.

  2. Love the convo you had with your son at the kitchen sink. Blessed times! I’m visiting you from Holly Barrett’s Testimony Tuesday. I’m your next door neighbor at #68.

    1. Thank you Susan. It was actually an adult relative in his 40’s, not my son. But sometimes we just understand Jesus’ love easier when we tell a story that even a child could understand, yes?

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