Tell Your Story

Tell Your Story 2What I would say to folks that I mentor is that when you start on this journey you might be in a dark spot or a broken spot, or you may have walked a little way on the journey and be in a better place. But you see a light or you’re looking for a light.

Now, what I want you to do is put pen to paper and see the journey. I want you to visualize the dark spot. I want you visualize where you are today. And I want you to tell me where you want to be.

Write it out on paper; describe what the journey looks like. If you’re looking to others as your source of hope, write it down. Who are they? What have they done? What are you looking for? Describe it.

[tweetthis]Tell your story. That’s the journey we’re going to take together.[/tweetthis]

So put pen to paper, or speak it, or record it or YouTube it. It doesn’t matter to me whether it’s video or written.

Tell your story.

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12 thoughts on “Tell Your Story

  1. Thank you for your encouragement to tell my story. I attended SheSpeaks14 because I had been pulled, kicking and resisting, by God to tell my story. I had been blogging during my journey with breast cancer and didn’t know where to go or what to do. That’s when an email to SheSpeaks showed up in my inbox, too.
    Since attending SheSpeaks, I have been blogging on my new blog encouraging women to be “R.E.A.L” with each other through encouragement, accountability and love. I have no clue where God is going to lead me, but I faithfully write something, whether privately or publicly, everyday.
    I am praying He will once again provide the finances necessary to attend SheSpeaks15. Hope to see you there!

    1. Stephanie, thank you so much for commenting. In our darkest moments is when God can shine the brightest light. I pray I see you at SheSpeaks 2015!

  2. There is power in visualizing where you are and where you want to be. There is a power in writing it down. You are making a difference Susan! Go dear friend, go! Cheering on all that you are doing.

  3. Hi Susan! It’s nice to visit here after your warm welcome on Twitter!
    I love the idea of a writing prompt. And your idea of ‘where do you see yourself’ is such a good one. It would force me to admit my dreams for myself, which sure can be scary. I would hope I could be honest!
    I’ll check back here again for sure. #RaRaLinkup

    1. Honored to see you here Ceil. Do write your story. It’s for YOU, so be completely honest…with yourself. Hello! Like that? See ya on “around” – isn’t this FUN?!

  4. It’s amazing how when looking back at even the hardest of circumstances I have gone through, the “gracious hand of God” can be seen every step of the way. #RaRaLinkup

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