Peek Behind the Scenes of a Stealth Book Launch

Have you ever wanted to peek behind the scenes of a book launch?

Have you ever heard of a stealth book launch? Now is your chance to pull back the curtains to check out what’s going on behind the scenes as you participate in a stealth book launch.

Have you ever wanted to peek behind the scenes of a book launch? This is your chance to pull back the curtains and check out what’s going on behind the scenes of a stealth book launch. Join the fun!

[Tweet “Apply to join my stealth #booklaunchteam for Don’t Go To Work Naked.”]

This team will be full of movers and shakers in the Christian writing sphere and people who are hungry to learn about publishing by helping out with the book launch. Over 55 members have already committed to participating, which is amazing to me.

If you are chosen to be a part of this launch team, here’s what you’ll get:

– Early access to my manuscript on January 16th, before it’s released to the public
– More access to me with a behind the scenes look at how I launch my book 😉
– Some fun and connection with other like-minded people

Please do not apply to this launch team if you cannot commit to the following:

-To read/scan the short pdf manuscript (~15K words) prior to January 26th
-Send input on edits and/or formatting that need correcting
-Write an honest review upon reading the manuscript
-Save your written review.
-You may email your review to me to save and return to you on January 26th if that’s easier for you.
-Publish your review when the book launches in stealth mode on January 26th.
-Share 1 to 3 book promotional messages or images with others via social media, blog posts, or emails – this will be in the email and/or Facebook to make it EASY for you to share
-Review Don’t Go To Work Naked on Amazon (Goodreads too if you have an account) on January 26th or 27th
-Spread the word to other people about Don’t Go To Work Naked eBook
-Basic understanding of Facebook and email (we’ll be running the launch team via a Facebook group and email)

Before you apply, please check out the dates below to make sure you are available:

Launch Team Kickoff: 1/16 to read manuscript
Date of book launch in stealth mode:

Purchase free book on 1/26
Publish review on Amazon 1/26 or 1/27
Send edits to me that need to be fixed prior to formal launch

Formal launch: February 18

Have you ever wanted to peek behind the scenes of a book launch? This is your chance to pull back the curtains and check out what’s going on behind the scenes of a stealth book launch. Join the fun!

What’s the most important thing you will do? Review the book on Amazon.

If writing a book review is all you can do, then please apply. If you can do more, I thank you in advance.

Here’s the deal. On January 26 and 27, Don’t Go To Work Naked eBook will be FREE on Amazon. FYI – you do not have to have a Kindle Reader to read an eBook – you simply download the Kindle Reader app to your phone, iPad, tablet or computer. So cool!

On January 26th, you will purchase the free eBook on Amazon (it shows $0.00 in your cart when you check out), read/scan through the eBook on your Kindle Reader or Kindle Reader app, then come back to Amazon a few hours later to copy and paste in your already written review, which honestly does not have to be 5 stars.

Remember, you will receive the pdf on January 16th so you can read the manuscript and write your honest review in advance of the January 26th stealth launch date. Why launch in stealth mode? To allow me to receive your feedback and the time needed to correct any incorrect words and formatting errors prior to telling the world the book is available!

It is important you purchase the book – yes, free counts – on Amazon and that you scan through at least 80% of the book prior to submitting a review on Amazon.

Why? It makes your review a VERIFIED PURCHASE REVIEW. And that adds oomph to the Amazon algorithm for them sharing and promoting, which is what we are seeking. Deal?

Please fill out this application to the best of your ability and click “submit” when complete.

I’m thrilled to invite you to participate in the Don’t Go To Work Naked eBook launch. My prayer is your participation blesses you. If you plan to write a book, then I pray you learn a lesson or two you can use when you publish your own book. And that’s just a cool bonus for participating.

Can I share this is the 155th DanceWithJesus linkup! Thank you for being part of this community. I love seeing your posts here and reading your words. You matter and so do your beautiful words.

Oh, by the way, someone on the launch team who writes an Amazon Verified Review will be chosen to win a Kindle Fire HD10, a $149 value. What if your name is selected?

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11 thoughts on “Peek Behind the Scenes of a Stealth Book Launch

  1. Congratulations Susan on your newest book – it looks like a great one and I pray all success for you in the stealth launch! Thanks for linking up with #TuneInThursday

  2. That’s an incredibly clever title, Susan! I hope you sell like crazy too!

    And I would love to be a part of the launch team too and will do my best to post a review in the time frame you’ve requested. Let me know if you have room on your team and I’ll get right on it when it goes on sale. Thanks for the linkup too!

  3. Ugh. I wish I could commit to helping out with this effort, but I know the days between now and January 26 are already just too full. I’ll be looking for other ways to spread the word, though, and praying for great success for the glory of God.

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