Savor our Savior



















R E S T.  Rest assured.

How does that word make you feel?  Rest…


Peace. Do you feel His exquisite peace?


Savor = as a verb when used with an object means:

·      to give a savor to; season; flavor.

·      to perceive by taste or smell, especially with relish:

o   to savor the garden’s odors.

·      to give oneself to the enjoyment of:

o   to savor the best in life.

Used with an object?  What, or more accurately, WHO is the object of my affection?  Jesus…

To flavor or season…How is my life seasoned and flavored?

To relish…What do I relish?

To give oneself to the enjoyment of…What do I enjoy?


His presence.

Oh!  Savior.  SAVIOR!  One little letter.  I. Savor.  Savior.

Yes, Lord, I savor my Savior!

The object of my affection.  Jesus.  Yes!  I submit to HIM.  That is when Jesus surrounds me and becomes my Savior—when I am surrounded by Him.

Yes, rest.  I must rest in His sweet embrace.  Lord, I savor being in the presence of my Savior, Your Son, Jesus.

Thank you for sending Him for us, Father God.  For me.  To savor His divine presence.  I love my Savior.


Proverbs 8:1 The Message (MSG)

Lady Wisdom Calls Out

8:1-11 Do you hear Lady Wisdom calling?

Can you hear Madame Insight raising her voice?

She’s taken her stand at First and Main,

at the busiest intersection.

Right in the city square

where the traffic is thickest, she shouts,

“You—I’m talking to all of you,

everyone out here on the streets!

Listen, you idiots—learn good sense!

You blockheads—shape up!

Don’t miss a word of this—I’m telling you how to live well,

I’m telling you how to live at your best.

My mouth chews and savors and relishes truth—

I can’t stand the taste of evil!

You’ll only hear true and right words from my mouth;

not one syllable will be twisted or skewed.

You’ll recognize this as true—you with open minds;

truth-ready minds will see it at once.

Prefer my life-disciplines over chasing after money,

and God-knowledge over a lucrative career.

For Wisdom is better than all the trappings of wealth;

nothing you could wish for holds a candle to her.

The verses are from The Message and are found at  #bgbg2

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13 thoughts on “Savor our Savior

  1. When I hear “rest” my mind is immediately tempted to turn to all the reasons why I can’t instead of why I should. Thank you for this reminder to REST and savor our Savior. In Him we can find rest. What a wonderful passage selected to drive that point home. Thank you for this encouragement Susan, and thanks again for the invitation to #DanceWithJesus. You are a blessing!

    1. Tina, how true. So often, we simply run, avoid or evade that Holy nudge that says slow down and BE with me. Thanks for joining the dance! Your words matter. DEEPLY.

  2. Your post made me want to slow down today. To not just get through my to-do list, but to enjoy Jesus and savor the people in front of me as well. Thank you, Susan! God’s greatest to you today!

  3. Thank you Kelly, you encourage, encourage and encourage me more with your beautiful words. When His word and truth leap off of a page and into your heart, it is a beautiful moment, isn’t it?

  4. Susan, I want to Savor Jesus. So badly, I want this. Thank you for encouraging and offering this truth an invitation to me! Love you.

    1. Thank You Kelly. Its amazing when His truth jumps off a page, isn’t it? Love you too.

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