Oh My Heartsie Girls Wednesday Linky 88

WOW! It’s our 88th “Oh My Heartsie Girls “Wonderful” Wednesday’s Linky Party:❢
Our Co-Hosts make the choices for our features each week, lots of inspiration to share:❢
Your Links Are Seen On 10 blogs each week
And did you know all our features are Pinned -Tweeted and shared to Facebook?

Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful WednesdaysOh My Heartsie Girl & Co-Hosts Welcome’s you
tarts Early Because Somewhere Its About Wednesday

And if you looking for something special from last week
:❢:❢ All The Entries Here :❢:❢

Whether you are returning or first time to our party~Welcome~AKA Wordless Wednesday Now…
“Wonderful Wednesday Party’s, since we’re anything but wordless….
OMHG Banner Weekly Pinned Features
♥~Our Pinterest Board For Our Weekly Features~

We hope while you Party With Us you will follow our
Host and Co-Hosts This Week!
♥~ MEET THE HOSTS of #OMHGWW ~-Oh-My-Heartsie-Girls for collage Divider 989321gyey13hzit

Seven-Tasks-of-a-Day-in-Blogging-Oh-My-Heartsie-GirlKarren-Host / Oh My Heartsie Girl / Seven Tasks In A Day Of A Blogger
I share my Daily Tasks When Blogging Everyday
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Divider 989321gyey13hzitMust-Love-HomeCo-Host Christine Mello / Must Love Home / Shabby Chic Coat Rack
After pricing pre-made wooden racks and realizing they were WAY out of my budget, I made two coat racks myself.A coat rack is a super easy way to organize any entryway. Your family can just throw their jackets and sweaters over a hook and walk away!
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The-Fabulous-Journey-Midlife-Perspective ♥Co-Host Shellie/ Fabulous Journey / Midlife Perspective On Weight, Fitness And Priorities/My interview with Cathy Clawdanski, who finally came to that aha moment where life’s priorities fell in line and she could finally gain realistic perspective on her weight, her fitness and her life.
Tw | Bl | G+ | Fb | Pin |InDivider 989321gyey13hzitFrom-Evija-with-Love-Stencil-Warehouse-GiveawayCo-Host Evija Roberts/ From Evija With Love/Coffee Table Makeover and Stencil Giveaway
This time I am not only sharing a great coffee table makeover but also hosting a giveaway – your chance to win TWO amazing stencils!!!
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Co-Host Donna Wirthlin / Two Chicks And A Mom / Mexican Lasagna /A new take on a family favorite! This casserole has a definite “south of the border” flavor and it won’t last long! Great for family dinners, potlucks, or any occasion.
Tw | Bl | Fb | Pin | InDivider 989321gyey13hzitSimply-Wright-Apple-Pie-BitesCo-Host Ashleigh / Simply Wright / Apple Pie Bites /Who doesn’t love apple pie filling?! I know that’s my favorite part of apple pie, so I’ve come up with an easy and tasty dish that is perfect for any apple pie lover! YUM….
Fb | G + | Pin | In | BlDivider 989321gyey13hzit Living-Intentionally-SImple-Dominican-Rice-n-Beans Co-Host Sarah-Ann Hamlin / Living Intentionally Simple / Moro de Habichuela (Dominican Rice n Beans)
New delicious way to make rice ‘n beans that you’ll absolutely love.
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A-Sprinkle-of-this-and-that-Maraschino-Cherry-Muffin-WafflesCo-Host Christine Ryan /A Sprinkle of This and That
Maraschino Cherry Muffin Waffles/A Valentine’s Day yummy for breakfast, snack time or dessert!
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My-Purple-World ♥Co-Host Indah / My Purple World /Dadar Gulung – Indonesian Pancake with Sweet Coconut Filling/This Indonesian pancake with sweet coconut filling is so easy to make and perfect for your sweet moments with your cherished one.
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Susan-B-Mead-blogging-made-simpleCo-Host Susan B Mead /Elite Blog Academy – 3 FREE Courses
Ever wondered how to bring traffic to your blog? Elite Blog Academy opens once per year and it’s coming SOON! In the meantime, grab these 3 FREE courses. I promise you’ll be thrilled you did!
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Best Picks from last weeks party Your Co-Hosts Picks From Last Week
Divider 752004ewor3ue4oiSlow-Cooker-Ham-Corn-and-Potato-Soup-3-AshleighCo-Host Pick by Ashleigh of Simply Wright / Sweet and Savory /Slow cooker ham and potato soup
Busy-Being-Jennifer-Boozy-Funfetti-Cake-and-Berry-Parfait-on-BusyBeingJennifer.com-Christine-Ryan Co-Host Pick by Christine Ryan of
A Sprinkle of This and That /
Busy Being Jennifer / Boozy Funfetti- Cake and Berry ParfaitBorn-again-farm-girl-white-chocolate-run-chata-pudding
Co-Host Pick Sara-Ann Hamlin of Living Intentionally Simple/
Born Again Farm Girl
/White Chocolate Rum Chata Pudding

Valentines-Day-Chalkboard-Clena-and-scentsible-Christine-MelloCo-Host Pick by Christine Mello of Must Love Home /Clean and Scentsible/ How to transfer an image onto chalkboard

Paper-seedlings-spotlighted-blossom-Donna Co-Host Pick by Donna of Two Chicks and A Mom /Paper Seedlings
Spotlighted Blossom
Dragonfly-treasure-Sharing-Valentine Images-SusanCo-Host Pick by Susan of Susan B Mead /Dragonfly Treasures / Sharing Valentine Images of the vintage kind
Co-Host Pick by Indah of My Purple World/ Carrie Elle/ DIY Planner Clips

Old-things-new-again-a-tale-of-3-sisters-limed-oak-wall-sconces-EvijaCo-Host Evija Roberts of From Evija With Love
Old Things New/A Tale of 3 Sisters Limed Oak Wall Sconces


Co-Host Shellie of Fabulous Journey / Living on Cloud 9/ 9 Ways To Win A Girls Heart-So darling Valentine’s Day VignetteKarren-Host / Oh My Heartsie Girl / Lovely Livings Valentine’s Day Vignette
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♥Disclaimer: When you add your link along with your email, it will be used only to send you an invitation to join us for the party. It also gives Oh My Heartsie Girl
or Co-Hosts permission to share your posts, pictures and links if featured in upcoming posts. Any content used will be given proper credit and link-backs will be provided.

Divider 989321gyey13hzitI Would Love To Have You Join Me To Co-Host Wordless Wednesday-No Pressure⇒ ⌊Read More
Now…Let’s Party! And Open for a Week!
Share Your recipes, reviews, crafts, home decor, fashion posts,
jewelry, paper crafts and yes, Linky Parties and Giveaways.
Please Don’t Link and RunComments Are Welcome & Link-backs are Appreciated
Please Feel Free To Pin A Few of Our Features

:❢:❢ Click Here To Be Notified When Party Starts Each Week Unsubscribe Anytime:❢:❢

:❢:❢ Please Tweet Tweet ❢:❢:

Ready to Party?

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