Nothing Holding Me Back

Nothing holding me back…

Nothing Holding Me Back

I’m gonna…

Write a book

Start a blog

Tell my story

Hug a friend

Have a candlelit dinner with my honey

Take the boys out to play

Go for a walk

Make my bed

Take a shower – in those first days with a baby…


I’m so busy

I’m so tired

I gotta do this…and this…and this, then I can do…

When am I gonna find the time to…

How can I…

Nothing holding me back…

            EXCEPT MYSELF!

Nothing holding me back…EXCEPT MYSELF! Have you ever hit a wall ~ and then realized you erected it? You put it there, brick by brick, with every single word you spoke. 4 Bible verses propel us forward.

Have you ever hit a wall ~ and then realized you erected it?  You put it there, brick by brick, with every single word you spoke.

I wish I could…

I simply can’t right now…

I’m too busy…

I gotta do x, y, z, then I can…

Where does the time go?!

And then the boys are grown

And you wish you had taken them out to play more often

And the blog is started

And you don’t have any followers (YET!)

And the book is written

And you wonder if anyone will read it…or pay for it

And your husband adores you

And you get it.  You truly get it…

[Tweet “Things get broken, discarded or replace, yet people matter! Make time for those who matter.”]

And I thank my God for letting me hit that wall

And then teaching me to climb over it, walk through it or tear it down, word by precious word.

With His Word.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. ~ Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)

Yes, I can.

The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.  ~ Hebrews 1:3 (NIV)

Well, may I share this with you?  There is nothing holding me back from getting to Heaven to SEE the Son.  Yes, the radiance of God’s glory!

You too?

If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.  ~ 1 Peter 4:11 (NIV)

Yes indeed!

Speak with the very words of God

Serve with the strength God PROVIDES

God may be praised in ALL THINGS

Through Jesus Christ

To Him be the glory and power



Nothing holding me back now!

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Verses are from BibleGateway

55 thoughts on “Nothing Holding Me Back

  1. This is great, the only one holding us back is ourselves, let’s just let go and let God. Thank you for sharing at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings

  2. Oh my goodness! You are so right–I am my own worst enemy and erect my own barriers. This was so insightful, Susan. I do pray for guidance each day–I just need to let the Lord do his work with me. Great to co-host with you again #OMHGWW

  3. I LOVE this! It’s so true. So many times we have great plans, but we hold ourselves back. We doubt. We get busy. We sabotage ourselves. Yet, sometimes we just need to look at our priorities and maybe do things that matter more now.

  4. Hey Susan,

    I’m late to this link up party but happy to join in!

    Thanks for inviting me and encouraging me to be a part.
    I look forward to the fellowship~

  5. Your words are always so encouraging. Jesus has won the battles for me. I just have to let Him wield my pen and write His story on my heart. He is the author and finisher of my faith. Thanks for reminding me. 😉

  6. I love love love the way you wrote this! Like a conversation I have in my head many times without noticing it and I need to stop. God bless!

  7. I am continually amazed at how often I need the reminder that I am the one who builds the walls of expectations that keep me from God’s best for my life and for the lives of those around me. Thank you for bringing this to my attention yet again.

    Thanks, also, for hosting the link-up.

    May He continue to fill our cups to overflowing as we encourage and are encouraged by one another.

  8. Excellent thoughts! I’ve been thinking about a blogging project for a while that I need to begin, but I find every excuse NOT to begin it! Thanks for these encouraging words!

  9. Love this idea! We truly can be our own worst enemy or our own best cheerleader. It’s our choice! Thank you for sharing. Can’t wait to meet you next week in NC!


  10. Absolutely love where you went with this writing prompt. You are so right, it is often us who are our own worst enemies – holding ourselves back from the abundant life that God promises! What a great perspective!
    Much love,

  11. Prioritizing is my most difficult, disliked, awful task. It’s easy to say family comes first when the laundry is done and there are clean dishes to eat off of, so on and so forth. It seems like I’m pulled in a million directions…all of them loud. I know this is a just season with small children and that this too shall pass (I know I’ll miss it…my parents remind me all the time). In the meantime, I’ve got to get quiet time in before those precious ones even open up their eyes!! Thank you God for renewal every single morning!

  12. My biggest hold up is trying to do what everyone else thinks I should do. I am having to learn how to say no. Learning to think it through before I jump in and say yes. I have found myself in places that God did not want me, even though it was a good thing. Sometimes good things take our time away from what we are supposed to be doing.

  13. This is such a timely reminder and encouragement! As a newer blogger this is really encouraging. One day at a time. One blog post at a time. One connection with another person at time. All for the purpose of helping people find peace, motivation, and ultimately God’s love.

    There’s nothing holding me back! If God is for us, who can stand against us? Amen!

  14. Ugh! I can so relate to all of the excuses that hold me back and I’m thankful that NOTHING can hold me back from Heaven. I will take some time this morning to just BREATHE and reflect on your words. Thanks Susan for being such a blessing.

  15. Susan – Such a powerful post today – boy, can I relate to nothing holding me back, but me…I am not sure how many walls I have erected that I hit and then swore not to do it again – sigh — but hey, I am learning and by the Grace of God making forward progress. 🙂 Thanks for hosting. Blessings

  16. Amen, Susan! It is true…we get wrapped by the lies of fear and hold ourselves back. Time to run free in the truth of the Lord. See you next week!

  17. Thank you for this “I can do all things through CHRIST” message. A “can do” message. I’d never seen that verse in that way before. I also want to speak the words of God and serve with the strength He gives, that in all things, HE MIGHT BE PRAISED! I’ve been feeling so overwhelmed lately by life circumstances, but your words are giving me hope! Thanks!

  18. Beautifully written. Sometimes life can feel so overwhelming, thanks for the reminder to take down the walls that are self-erected, and to then walk through the doors behind them that He opens. We women like to try to do it all…and, well, is there really any such thing? I know that when I try to do it all, I do none of it well. Thanks for sharing this today. ((Hug))

  19. Thank you for sharing this and the verse too! I love it- and am going to think on it today! Thankful for this post! and for your gifts you share so generously! 🙂

  20. Oh yes, I’ve built many walls in my day – and then proceeded to complain because it was there! I love how you explained this. Your words spoke boldly to me today. We are the only ones who can get rid of those walls so that nothing is holding us back. Blessings, Susan!

  21. My takeaway for this day? HIS Words are what I need to counteract the negativity and defeatism of MY words.
    Thanks for your lovely Friday place.

  22. Yes friend. Nothing holding me back. Unshackled and running uninhibited the race set before me. And occasionally fear crops up and tries to slow me down but my cheerleaders on the sidelines keep me going.

  23. You are right on. It’s so easy to fill up our time on the non important things. I’m so glad I stopped by today for your encouraging words.

  24. I love that verse Susan. I want to speak with the power of Christ, the very words of his soul. I loved those words and I hadn’t noticed them before. Thank you for doing precisely what that verse says! Can’t wait to see you soon.

  25. This was quite insightful for me! This kind of reminds me how much of a procrastinator I really am, because I have those same thoughts! I’m going to do this…except…

    I think I’ll link up to this tomorrow! Thank you for this!

  26. So true! I have been erecting walls like crazy lately! I’m committing to breaking through, climbing over or digging under! Amen! #livefree

  27. Nothing holding me back. . . except myself! That’s powerful. When we get out of our own way, what do we learn? How do we stretch? What is out there that we haven’t experienced? I love this post today. #livefreeThursday

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