God Turned Her Mourning Into Dancing

We are honored to have Kelly Basham write today for the Dance With Jesus Birthday Beach Bash and Blog Tour. Kelly is passionate about pointing others to God’s word for all of life’s obstacles. After years of God nudging her to write, she finally took a leap of faith and in 2013 started the blog From Bud To Bloom.


Kelly hopes others will be encouraged and inspired by the stories she shares from her almost always crazy life.  Kelly lives in the Nashville, TN, area with her  husband Brandon, two (almost fully grown) children, and a very quirky little dog named Velvet.

Turned mourning into dancing Kelly Bashan
I know staring isn’t polite, but I couldn’t help it. My eyes were glued to the woman in the back of the church. As a twelve-year-old girl I was mesmerized by the beauty that radiated from her. Never in all my conservative church going life had I seen someone praise the Lord with such reckless abandonment. With her hands held high and joyful smile across her face she gently swayed back and forth in a dance like motion.

I couldn’t help but wonder what it was that caused this woman to worship this way. She was contagiously joyful. Beautifully unchained and unbound. Graciously loosed and set free….

Twenty-five years have passed since I saw the woman in the back of the church and I still remember her like it was yesterday. I will never know the exact reason for her joyful display of worship that morning, but I am sure it had something to do with God showing up in an amazingly unexpected way. Author Susan B. Mead says that God shows up at Big times in Big ways during the moments of our deepest hurt and brokenness.

You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness. Psalm 30:11

Perhaps this woman was going through a time of grief or hardship. Maybe she had to let go of dream, walk away from a relationship, or bury a loved one. Whatever it was, it was evident in the way she worshiped that God had shown up in a big way and turned her mourning into dancing.

I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:1-3

If you are going through a season of grief and mourning, know this my friend, God understands and feels your pain. He hears your cry. He won’t leave you in the slimy pit. He will show up in the most unexpected way and give you a firm place to stand. Before you know it you too will be dancing with Jesus!

None of us are immune to grief and hardship. The truth is we will all experience it at one point. In Susan B. Mead’s book Dance with Jesus: From Grief to Grace she invites us to join her on her triumphant journey of grace and healing. She doesn’t pretend that grieving is easy. Through her sweet and honest testimony she shows us that with God healing is possible. Before you know it, you too will be dancing with Jesus!

Oh, by the way.  You can join the social chatter about this book for YOUR chance to win $100. What would you do with $100?

DWJ Social Media Contest

It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3.

1-Post a book cover photo of Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace on Twitter, Instagram and/or Facebook (YES, this image COUNTS!)

2-Include hashtag #DanceWithJesus

3-tag @SusanBMead

POST NOW! Susan will notify a winner on August 31.

To finish reading and connect with Kelly, click here.



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