Can I share something with you? A challenge? Can it be our secret? Now that a couple of posts each week are being featured, what happens when I want to share them ALL with you?
So let me encourage you to read the posts shared here.
Words, precious words, fill our hearts and renew our minds as God gives His glorious Word, Jesus, to us. Each one of us! And that, girlfriends, is Good News indeed! I start by saying a heartfelt thank you for sharing your words with me and this community. HUGS…
Jesus Wept – an excerpt from Don’t Go Through Life Naked…
In Oklahoma City, there is a magnificent statue of Jesus weeping. It bears the inscription, “And Jesus Wept.” Perhaps you have seen it, near Saint Joseph Catholic Church. His head is bowed, and His hands cover His face. His back is turned to pillars placed row upon row. Why? These pillars, some think, serve as a memorial to the lives tragically lost in the Oklahoma City bombing. One small pillar for each child lost that fateful day.
Have you ever wondered why Jesus wept as He stood in front of the tomb of Lazarus? As I read the shortest verse in the Bible, “Jesus wept” (John 11:35), I often think, “Jesus, You are about to bring Lazarus back to life. You know that, so why are You weeping?”
Jesus wept because His friend died. We all must die, yet that was not so when God created Adam and Eve. They communed with their Lord God in the garden, naked and unashamed, which was God’s original design and His best plan for us. His perfect plan was for life, not for sin and death. So, yes, Jesus wept, for now we know both good and evil, first hand and face-to-face. And, someday, we will all know death.
There is a culprit who is the definition of unfathomable evil. We know he is here for a season to rule and reign as the Prince of the Air. He is a liar, a thief, and a murderer. Yet, he will tell you he is good and he is god. Or, he may say that there is no god and he has your best interests at heart. Liar.
The enemy introduced doubt in the Garden when he asked Eve the question, “Did God really . . . ?” He told her, You won’t die, but you will be like God, knowing both good and evil. And the woman was convinced as the serpent deceived her, and her eyes were opened.
[Tweet “Jesus weeps, for now we know both good and evil.”]We now know death because Eve was deceived and sinned when the serpent spat out a question, depositing doubt and deception into Eve’s heart. He is the despicable devil. No doubt, he did fail, and he did fall.
God is not Lord to the serpent, yet the Lord God’s plan for redemption for humans will prevail.
[Tweet “The enemy will be bound and chained, no longer deceiving or rampaging over humanity.”]I thank God that He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world. It’s a Truth I must arm myself with each day. Before I set out for work or any other task, I must remember that God has a good plan for me. I must also ask for wisdom to recognize and reject any of Satan’s schemes, for as 1 Peter 5:8 tells us, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (NKJV).
Reflection Questions:
- Consider the words, “Jesus wept.” Reflect on what that means to you.
- Recall the verse, “He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world.” What does that mean to you personally?
I pray you enjoyed this brief chapter from Don’t Go Through Life Naked: How to Clothe Yourself in God’s Power – here’s the overview and premise of this book.
Oh by the way – Don’t Go Through Life Naked hit #1 in three categories and earned the prestigious orange Best Seller Banner on Amazon!
Thank you, each one of you, who purchased it. If you have not gotten your copy, would you consider getting it now – or sending it as a gift to a friend who is an avid reader? I simply say thank you…
You may want to know that a portion of the proceeds of Don’t Go through Life Naked will benefit Proverbs 31 Ministries to help them continue teaching biblical truth and taking the hope of Jesus to women and families around the world.
FYI – this is not an affiliate link to the book as residents of Louisiana may not be Amazon affiliates.
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Thanks for sharing this encouragement at Booknificent Thursday on!
When Jesus wept, He showed the depth of his love and compassion. He knew what He was going to do, but he still wept and that is beautiful in a way. With the way things are in this world it is always comforting to know that the One in me is so much greater than any in the world. Thanks for sharing with us at the #LMMLinkup! Blessings to you!
Thank you for sharing on Friday Features #omhgff on Oh My Heartsie Girl, your post being featured this week and will be Tagged and shared on Instagram, watch for it.
It has also be pinned on Pinterest and shared to Facebook.
Now I hope you enjoy the little boost, and stop by again to share.
Have a great weekend!
Just this morning the kids and I were discussing title of your book. Our daily scripture concerned clothing ourselves with the armor of God, and it reminded me of your work. I thoroughly enjoyed the excerpt today, Susan. May this book speak into lives w/the fervor of the Holy Spirit. #chasingcommunity
I haven’t seen the statue in Oklahoma, but it touched me to picture it and know Jesus cares about our losses and pain.
This verse from the bible is one of my favorite. It brings me so much comfort to know Jesus gets my pain. I love what you had to say. I am visiting from Grace and Truth where I am not a host. Thank you for linking up with us. Blessings, Maree
I think Jesus wept because he knew that death wasn’t the original plan for the world. He saw the brokenness that sin brings and the pain of suffering and longed to change it… which he did only a short time later on the cross. Thanks for this time to reflect on the compassion of Christ,
I bought my copy last week. Can’t wait to read it! 🙂
I bought your book a couple of weeks ago! Congratulations on the Amazon rating!
I added a poem I wrote, He Wept For Me.
I am finally feeling like I’m emerging from my flu cave! I hope you stay healthy at your house!
Thank you Susan and YAY GOD for the Amazon ranking of the book. WOO HOO
Thanks for the linkup this morning Susan! Excited for all your book endeavors!
Your book is on my list. It sounds so good!
I clicked on the link to find out who the author was…I’m so proud of you! I downloaded a copy for my Kindle and I can’t wait to read it this weekend. I can’t believe it was so affordable!!! I’m gonna get dressed 🙂 Praying God uses this book to extend your influence for the Kingdom 🙂
Much love,
Blessings to you, Susan, as you share your words with the world.
I am so thankful for this truth, “He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world.” It reminds that no matter what difficult circumstance come my way, that I am never alone, that Christ lives within me, and through HIS STRENGTH I can get through everything.
Thanks so much for sharing a taste of your new book with us! I can’t wait to read the rest of Don’t Go Through Life Naked!
Blessings Misty
The image of that statue sounds beautiful, and sad. But more beautiful. It demonstrates the intense love God has for us! So grateful.