Stop Making Excuses. The No Excuses Jesus-Girls Giveaway

It’s December 22 and I haven’t finished shopping yet.  Are you done? Of course you are! You planned ahead…

Can I share a tradition (really a bad habit…) I had when my boys were pre-teens? I would hit the stores Christmas Eve about lunchtime and GET IT DONE. Too often, I would then head home to put up the tree. Yes, on Christmas Eve. Can I share that is no way to live a life, running from one place to the next with no time between to relax and enjoy?

Leaving too much to the last minute can be taxing, to say the least. And many times the very best, that one thing you wanted to give – or get – was gone, long gone.

Sometimes I feel the same way about my business, unfinished at the 11th hour and that the best, the very best, is long gone. I see people making progress and doing things I want to do, yet I feel that the best may have passed me by.

I want to attend ALL the meetings, events and conventions possible. May I share with you I think I did that the year my first book, the two time Christian Literary Award winning book, Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace, was published?

What was the outcome?

Overwhelm consumed me.

What did I learn from that experience?

To plan time into my schedule immediately after each event to IMPLEMENT the lessons learned – and to reach out to connect more deeply with each person I connected with at a heart level.

When I start feeling like success has passed me by, I remind myself that I’m on my own path … the path that God planned for me. In my prayer time a couple of years ago, it felt like God asked if I was chasing followers or following Him. Oh. OH. OH! Forgive me Lord. Direct my steps that they honor You and You alone.

That’s when God reminds me that my success is not measured by likes, comments, shares, followers, subscribers or sales numbers.

It’s measured by my obedience.  It’s measured by women just like you who are finding their next steps.  Christa Hutchins shares that it is women like Kira, who found peace with her content plan through Content Conversations.  And Elisabeth who is looking forward to the Boss Your Time Around workshop. Women who are pushing past the hard times, not making excuses and making progress where they can.  They make her excited and she’s proud to be part of their journey. And me.

How many times has Christa Hutchins held my hand (and her head!) and walked me into the deep of doing a new thing? Thank you, my dear friend. So easy for you, and easy for me too – after I’ve done something new the first time, hanging onto you for guidance and encouragement in those first tenuous steps.

So what about you?  What hard places and excuses are holding you back?

    • You can’t wrap your head around your vague idea of a dream.
    • You don’t know what God wants you to do with it.
    • The ideas are all twisted together and tangled and you can’t make sense of them.
    • You don’t have time to do it.
    • You start and then stop, failing to follow through.
    • You don’t know what tools to use to help you stay on track.
    • You need someone to hold your hand to learn to do a new thing (this is me!) I can learn new things, yet learning to DO new things is a totally different discussion…

Have you said any of those things? What if there were resources to help you? Well, my friend, there are!  And in the spirit of Christmas, my friends, Christa Hutchins, Arabah Joy and Marva Smith have joined forces to bring them to you in a giveaway. This. Is. HUGE.

It’s time. No more waiting. No more trying. NO MORE EXCUSES.

Stop making excuses. Are you ready to finally make lasting change and progress towards your goals? The No Excuses Jesus-Girls Giveaway is valued at over $450. Join us!

Finally make lasting change and progress towards your goals. Valued at over $450, the giveaway includes:

  • Grace Goals All Access Pass from Arabah Joy – Through a series of 5 workshops, Grace Goals will show you how to work in conjunction with the Spirit of God to fulfill the desires He’s placed in your heart.
  • Spark Success Planner and Goal Setting Session from Sun Sparkle Shine – An intentional, purpose-filled life doesn’t just happen, it’s planned. The Spark Success planner is designed to remind you of the dreams God put on your heart, set goals around those dreams and celebrate your success.
  • Boss Your Time Around Workshop from Do A New Thing – You have goals. You have plans.  Now you need time.  This workshop teaches you a simple system that puts your time in the most important places.
  • Accountability Package – Four weeks of follow up to keep you on track!
  • Supply Pack – Set of 3 Moleskin Cahier journals, Foray needle tip pen set and mini-checklist sticky notes

So head over here now to enter.  The more you share, the more chances you have to earn more entries.  I hope you win. (Honestly, if you don’t win, then I hope I do!)

Yet if you don’t win, it’s okay … stay tuned for details on a special discount package that includes Grace Goals, the Spark Success planner and the Boss Your Time Around workshop. How huge will that be for you – and me?!

[Tweet “Here’s to lighting 2017 candles on Christmas – at least in my mind – as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.”]

Plan to join me as I lock arms with Christa, Arabah Joy and Marva to walk into and through 2018 with smiles on our faces and the desires of our hearts met, because we established goals, planned for success and bossed time around instead of letting all this boss us around…and around…and around, blowing in the wind uselessly, as King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes.

PS … What I said:
Enter the No Excuses Jesus-Girls Giveaway here.

Join me as Christa teaches us to Boss Your Time Around here … use the code PLAN10 for $10 off.

Now that’s a Merry Christmas gift. Thank you Christa!

PSS – Would you like to join my second book launch team starting January 16 and running for approximately ten days? You want to know what is required to decide? Click the link below for the details, yet here’s the key points:

Say yes – click on the form below to enroll in the team
Receive pdf of the book Don’t Go To Work Naked January 16 to read/scan
Download book on January 26 – it is free on Kindle that day (I’ll notify you)
Write an honest review on Amazon within 24 hours
Share the news about the book release


Did I share that your name will be in the book? Yes, indeed, all launch team members will be included in the acknowledgements in the digital version of the book!

Oh by the way, SOMEONE on the team will win a KINDLE preloaded with my books (and a few others…) What if it’s YOU?

Click here for the book launch team details.

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12 thoughts on “Stop Making Excuses. The No Excuses Jesus-Girls Giveaway

  1. Your excitement is contagious, friend. I can hear you saying all this, and it makes me smile. 🙂 Thanks for sharing the giveaway. Happy New Year! Hope your book launch goes well, can’t wait to read and share. xoxo

  2. For me, it’s all about getting started. Once I get started I can usually get focused and get the job done. But that “getting started” sometimes makes me procrastinate. I used to say I work well under pressure, but as you said that means it’s often not the best it could have been. Hope your Christmas was extra special and that you’re looking forward to another year of serving Him!

  3. Dear Susan, this is exactly what I needed to hear TODAY. Listed on my calendar for TODAY is to make the final revisions on my newest book proposal before submitting to CMS. After 20+ rejections this fall, it’s easy to procrastinate. Thank you for a word in due season to “get’er done!”

  4. This was wonderful! Thank you so much for the giveaway and words of wisdom. It is hard running a business and can get very overwhelming. It is so wonderful to have great resources out there to help.

    Thanks for hosting!

    Christmas Blessings

  5. Oh my, I would have a heart attack if I waited until Christmas Eve to shop. ha. However, I will wait until the week before (hello, 2017). 🙂 Maybe next year I’ll do much better. Have a Merry Christmas, Susan!

  6. Great wisdom here friend! It is so important to make time to do the thing we want to do or learn about. And the truth about your path being different from the next person is spot on!
    Merry Christmas!

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