How To Pray Biblically

Liz Giertz invited me to write for her Word Nerd Wednesday on Prayer. After working through all the meanings of prayer found in the Bible, I was left with one overarching though. I wanted to know how to pray biblically.

What is prayer? How many ways can I pray? How do I pray biblically? If you have asked any of these questions, learn how to pray biblically - and boldly.

Let’s start with this question – What Is Prayer?

Prayer is solemn request for help, an expression of thanks, an invocation or an act that seeks to activate a rapport with God through deliberate communication. Prayer to a Christian is a form of religious practice, it may be either individual or communal and may take place in public or in private.

Christians pray to God – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Other religions pray to an object of worship. According to the Bible, an object of worship would be an idol, which is not the object of prayer for a follower of Jesus Christ.

Prayer is pronounced prer and is a noun. The word origin is Middle English from the Old French word preiere, based on Latin precarius ‘obtained by entreaty,’ from prexprec-‘prayer.’ 

Interesting note – the root word for prayer is a feminine form. Only God! What do I mean by that? Simple.

[Tweet “We approach our Bridegroom, Jesus, as His bride in prayer.”]

Now go learn how to pray biblically as you continue reading here…

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9 thoughts on “How To Pray Biblically

  1. Hey Susan. I know you are on mission this week. but just wanted to let you know this post will be featured on Tune In Thursday – it was the most clicked post by a landslide 🙂 Blessings

  2. Thank you Susan for sharing the meaning of prer this week at Friday Features, we as Christians pray at any given time of day, it helps lift us up!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

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