Behind the Scenes with the New Gutenberg Editor

Ready or not, here it comes! Let’s go behind the scenes with The New Gutenberg Editor for WordPress. Why? It’s planned for launch in November when WordPress version 5.0 is released. That’s like right around the corner – or calendar – from now…

Go behind the scenes with the New Gutenberg Editor for WordPress.Oh my…Another one of those major changes that snuck up on me faster than I realized.

Yet there’s good news! My friend, Cindy Barnes, has written a couple of blog posts about the new Gutenberg Editor so we can go learn in a FUN and FRIENDLY way. She writes from the perspective yet much of it is common to the site users as well. I love it that she takes us behind the scenes for a preview!

Here’s Cindy’s words: EMBRACE CHANGE

Not everyone likes change. In fact, most people dig their heels in when they know change is on the horizon. But, there are changes that are good for you and from my perspective, the new Gutenberg Editor is one of them! You may have missed my first post encouraging you to have fun with the new Gutenberg Editor so if you want to catch up on it, I’ll wait right here for you. I am sure that after catching up on the test drive, you are not welcoming Gutenberg with open arms and I understand that!

But my concern for you is if you don’t test it out prior to the version 5.0 update, you will be majorly frustrated. For your success, I strongly encourage you to test drive Gutenberg in a draft post. Play around in it, get comfortable with it, learn its nuances and when the release of 5.0 is out, you will be successful in using it.

Keep reading as you dig into this fabulous “test drive” with Cindy walking you through the New Gutenberg Editor for WordPress.

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If you missed Cindy’s first blog post about the New Gutenberg Editor, read it here.

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9 thoughts on “Behind the Scenes with the New Gutenberg Editor

  1. Thanks for this reminder! I certainly do need to test it out before it comes out! I’m excited for more flexibility in design, and I’m hoping it will make creating posts faster and more stress-free!

  2. I’ve been noticing the messages about this and just not wanting to take the time to think about something new. Thanks for pointing us to some help! I plan to study Cindy’s post and attempt to “embrace change.” LOL

  3. Hahaha – I read the line where you wrote not everyone likes change but get ready – change is coming – and had to laugh, because I hate change. or used to but when it comes to technology, I still don’t like it. Thanks for sharing these posts.

  4. Thank you for the information. I will certainly have to check it out. It’s coming – new technology is always fun! 🙂

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