Embracing the Race

“What’s your pace?”

This is a common question you’ll hear frequently among runners. It’s also a number you must sometimes enter on race registration forms. It’s easy to obsess about exactly how long it takes one to cover the distance of a mile.

Early in my running journey, I quickly realized that everyone runs a different pace. Some bolt out like a flash of lightning, determined to win the race. Others fall into the “back of the pack” category, bringing up the rear. And in between these two extremes are a myriad of other paces.

Embracing the Race Jesus started. He is waiting at the finish line. No prize compares to the eternal joy we will experience when we see Him face to face.

Could I run at a faster pace at the start of a long race? Absolutely! But could I maintain that pace throughout the rest of the race? Not a chance. If I started out sprinting with all my might, I’d quickly drain myself of the energy I need to reach the finish line.

My determination is focused on finishing the race at my own unique pace, not trying to keep up with someone else.

Maybe you’re not a runner and can’t relate to the race environment. Perhaps you have no intentions of ever lacing up running shoes.

But runner or not, you are running a race.

In Hebrews 12:1-2, Paul depicts the Christian life as a race. He urges us to “run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus.”

The Christian life is a long distance race we are called to live one step at a time. There are obstacles. Hills to climb. Sometimes we are running quickly at a smooth pace. Other times we hit the wall and feel like giving up before we reach the finish line.

[Tweet “Jesus started the race with us and is also waiting at the finish line.”]

No medal or cash prize could ever come close to the eternal joy we will experience when we see Him face to face.

There are so many powerful parallels between running and our faith journey with Jesus! They paint vivid pictures of what we encounter in this race called life.

Embracing The Race: 40 Devotions for the Runner’s Soul will awaken your mind to these parallels. You’ll be equipped with scripture, encouraged to persevere and inspired with determination. You’ll be challenged to plunge deeper in your walk with God!

Each day’s reading will give you a peek into the runner’s world, a fresh Biblical insight, practical life application, soul-searching reflections and a heart-felt prayer.

Kyle Idleman, best-selling author of Not a Fan says this about the book:

Honest and fun to read, you’ll find encouragement and challenge that come from Bible passages and through the language of a runner. If you’re a runner, you’ll love this book. If you’re not a runner, there is plenty here for you, too.”

Embracing The Race releases on November 14th and is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle version.

About Lisa Preuett:

Embracing the Race Jesus started. He is waiting at the finish line. No prize compares to the eternal joy we will experience when we see Him face to face.
She’s a mom of two children (Aaron and Breanna) whom God is using to teach her endless things about HIM! God shows her His presence and power daily in some of the most simple, unusual places. He’s called her to not just keep these revelations to herself, but to humbly share them with others.

Lisa says, “I am an imperfect woman who serves a perfect God. Even when I stumble, He is right there picking me up and showing me yet something else I didn’t see before. I pray you will be encouraged, inspired and filled with hope to follow Jesus with all your heart.”

Amen Lisa!

You can connect with Lisa Preuett on her blog at reststopforthesoul.

Oh by the way – Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace has been nominated in FOUR categories by the Christian Literary Awards. I am humbled and so honored. May I invite you to vote in one – or all four – categories here?

Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

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47 thoughts on “Embracing the Race

  1. “What’s your pace?” Love it! This is absolutely the message of Hebrews 12:1-2 – each of us have to figure out what our pace is and focus on running our race at our pace and not trying to match the pace of the person beside us.

    This book sounds like a great investment – all the best Lisa!

  2. Beautiful devotional, a reminder to simply be who He called us to be. Congratulations, Susan, on the nomination of your book. How exciting! I love how God is taking such a hard situation and turning it’s outcome for His glory. A vote has been cast. 😉 #thoughtprovokingThursday

  3. yep… a long distance race. we need to remember not to get caught up in short term distractions and miss focusing on the finish line. thanks for the book review!

  4. congrats! on your book awards, susan! bless you and your family this holiday season. my niece scattered the ashes of her husband vernon this past week. grieving continues.

  5. I was at a women’s conference last weekend, and one of the things I wrote down was that we have to run in our own lane if we want to grow with God. And we need to with all we have and then pass on the baton. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Heather,I love the analogy of “run in our own lane” ! So often we want to run someone else’s race instead of the one God has for US. Blessings to you as you run the race! 🙂

  6. No physical running here– but my mind runs all the time and gets tuckered out because I don’t know how to pace myself and my thoughts! Always loved the racing parallels to Christian life even though I’m not a runner. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Heather, a lot of people who are not runners are enjoying my book. They have been surprised by how much it speaks to them, even though they aren’t in the running category. Check it out! Blessings to you. 🙂

  7. I use to run track in high school. The coach always wanted me to try out for the team because he liked my form. Nowadays I’m more of a walker, a very slow one at that. Thank you for sharing at Glimpses link up!

    1. Hey Barbie! Good to see you here. There’s nothing wrong with walking. I do a combination of run/walk. It is the ONLY way I can keep going. A slow walk is better than no pace at all. Blessings to you! 🙂

  8. Great analogy with running a race. Running is something I’d like to take up again. There are many parallels with our walk with Christ. The book sound like a good one! I’m your neighbor at #Glimpses. Blessings to you!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Gretchen! These parallels are so powerful. Even though I wrote the book, God still uses these analogies to remind me of keeping my focus on HIM.

    1. Elizabeth, I just LOVE this term “wogger”! I do a combination of run/walk. So I guess I am a “wogger” as well. It’s the only way I can keep running without doing damage to my knees. Forward is a pace, no matter what the speed. 🙂

  9. Susan,

    Thanks again for your support in endorsing my book and allowing me to join you here! You are an inspiration to many and your heart for God shines so bright for all to see. Blessings to you!

  10. My son just finished a race on Saturday. At a race, I am always reminded of the powerful effect of the “cloud of witnesses” that cheer the runners.
    I’m so glad Jesus is my coach, my running partner, and my greatest cheerleader. He is with me, training me and along with me in the journey. And one day, I will be at the finish line. What a glorious day.
    It wasn’t until I started running a few years ago that I understood the power of the symbolism. That books sounds perfect for connecting that imagery with biblical truth.

    1. Cheryl,
      I love the analogy of the “cloud of witnesses” and am reminded of it every time I finish a race. Such a powerful moment to envision what it will be like to enter into heaven one day. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. Blessings to you!

  11. I just stopped by today to post on the link up and realised that both our posts are about running. I would love to read this book it sounds like it may be similar to my own journey and thoughts on the pace and race! xxx

    1. Jade, I am going to check out your post! I love to read what others write about running. Check out the book when you get a chance. (If you want a signed copy, you’re welcome to go to my blog’s book page.) Blessings to you!

  12. I’m not a runner because I give up too easily. I think I carry that over into my faith life too. When it gets hard, I complain and the twinges of giving up are felt. I want to be confident of finishing not first, but finishing and finding my strength and willpower!
    This devotional looks great! I’m going to be checking it out!
    Thanks for hosting Susan!

    1. Hey Julie, thanks for your comment! I didn’t consider myself a runner until about 7 years ago in my mid-40’s. It’s never too late. Blessings to you!

  13. Thank for sharing this book with us. I am not a runner but I can relate to the race in this life. We want to set our own pace but most importantly I think we want to do it well. Make the good choices about the speed and the outcome. God has it all in His control and that is the amazing part. Thanks for the story today. It was a timely message for my morning.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Jaime. We are all running a race together in our journey of faith! So encouraging that we can all spur each other on to the finish line. Blessings to you!

  14. I’m glad I don’t have to report my running pace anywhere. 🙂 It wouldn’t be pretty. I used to be a runner but whether or not I still run, this book looks like a good one!

    1. Hey Lisa!

      It is easy to get sucked up into comparing ourselves with someone else’s physical pace, but there is such peace and joy when we focus on the pace God has called us to run. Blessings to you!

    1. Diane,
      It’s never too late to get back into it! I meet so many people who didn’t start running until later in life (like me!) or who ran for a while and then stopped for a long season. I encourage you to get back out there…one step at a time.Blessings to you!

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