
Chosen, Chosen
Come and walk with Me today.
Chosen, Chosen
Come and walk My way.

For you are Chosen, chosen
For all eternity.
Chosen, chosen by the King of Glory.

Chosen, Chosen Come & walk with Me today Chosen, Chosen Come & walk My way Glory! Hallelujah To You my God I sing For I’m chosen, chosen By the Risen King

Chosen, loved by our great God above.
Chosen, loved He comes like a dove.

Chosen, loved and called by His name.
Chosen and loved FOREVER – it’s the same.

Called, appointed for such a time as this.
Anointed, appointed to You I raise My hands in praise.

For I am loved by You today.
Yes, I’m chosen, chosen forever and a day.

Oh God on high call me nigh so I may be with You.
Feed me words so You are heard that is what You do.

You nurture me and strengthen my faith
Yes, in this place I can taste.
The sweetest Words ever heard
The Song of Heaven.

Oh, Lord my God, You set the pace.
Help me now to run the race.
Oh Lord my God, I trust You here
For You are ever near.

Glory! Hallelujah!
To You my God I sing.
For I’m chosen, chosen
By the Risen King!

To walk with you and talk with you
Forever and a day.
For Your love for me is oh so deep
You want me in Your way.

So I fall into Your mighty arms
Where You protect me from all harm.
For I am chosen, chosen, chosen by the King!

To You alone my Mighty Lord
I will sing…
And sing and sing and sing!

Glory! Hallelujah!
To You my God I sing.
For I’m chosen, chosen
By the Risen King!

©2017 by Susan B Mead. All rights reserved.

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48 thoughts on “Chosen

  1. Yes, I am so glad I was chosen IN HIM before the foundation of the world. Thank you for sharing your lovely like up with us here at Tell me a Story.

  2. Is this a song you’ve written, Susan? I love the words and your heartbeat here, my friend. Always a joy to join your linkups too.

  3. Beautiful! Chosen is such a powerful word when we let it sink into our soul.
    “For I am loved by You today.
    Yes, I’m chosen, chosen forever and a day.”

  4. Susan, I will be forever grateful that I have been chose by the King. Thank you for the heartfelt reminder that we have been chosen. May we seek to glorify Him in all that we do. Have a wonderful weekend and may God continue to richly bless you and yours in all your endeavors.

  5. Susan,

    I love it! The words are beautiful. Here’s my favorite lines:
    “For I am loved by You today.
    Yes, I’m chosen, chosen forever and a day.”
    Oh the depths of His love! Not sure if you’re musical? If you’re not, you might want to get with Rachelle Fletcher (another of our CWIMA friends) to have this put into song. It needs to be sung 🙂 I didn’t get to say hello to you yesterday, but I was on the CWIMA prayer call too. Hope you have a blessed weekend.
    ~Sherry Stahl

    1. Sherry, thank you! God sings to me ALL the time. Some I share like Chosen. FYI – Am I musical? HA! I need a bucket to carry a tune in…!

      Would you introduce me to Rachelle Fletcher please and share what she does? I know this is supposed to be sung and am hearing Steven Curtis Chapman and Michael W Smith.

      Hugs, Susan

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