A Call to Community
7-Day Devotional by Wycliffe Bible Translators
We’re all part of God’s global community, whether it’s in your neighborhood or across the world. Be inspired by this 7-day devotional highlighting the stories and impact of people in the Bible who embraced their cross-cultural community, even when they were in danger or enslaved!
I love what Wycliffe does around the world as they touch lives in the remotest places on the face of this planet, yet they also touch you and me in our own homes and communities with what they offer.
We are called to be part of God’s global community. Enjoy this one day sample of the 7 day devotion from Wycliffe.
DAY 1 — ABRAHAM: A Call to Community
When God called Abram, he was told to leave his country, his people and his extended family for a place “I will show you.” He didn’t even know where he was going! Could you imagine God asking you to leave everything you know for something completely unknown?
Abram’s move was hard, but he obeyed.
He had to establish a household in a faraway land where language and culture were totally different and sometimes hostile. Hebrews 11:8-9a reminds us that Abram, as a foreigner in a new land, had to live by faith.
Later, in Genesis 14, it’s clear that he didn’t just “survive” or keep to himself— Abram engaged his community and thrived in Canaan. His actions and reputation gained the respect of neighboring peoples and kings, including the priest-king Melchizedek.
Abram’s obedience was rewarded with a covenant between himself and God, resulting in a new name — Abraham —and the beginning of a new community of God’s people, the nation of Israel.
Like Abraham, God designed us to thrive when we do life with each other in community. Communities develop around proximity, culture and language, but also across similar interests, passions and pursuits. No matter where we live or what we do, we’re all called to community.
[Tweet “As followers of Christ we’re part of God’s family. @WycliffeUSA”]We’re bound together in one common purpose, to make him known wherever we live. And sometimes to do that God calls us from the familiar to a new community far from what we know.
If you join the free 7 day Call to Community with Wycliffe, you will look at more biblical characters who lived in cross-cultural community (some against their will) and the way God used them to further His kingdom for His glory.
Scripture Reading: Genesis 12:1-4
The Call of Abram
12 The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you. 2 I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. 3 I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you.”
4 So Abram departed as the Lord had instructed, and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he left Haran.
What does “community” mean to you?
How does that definition influence the way you live your life and approach relationships?
Is it your goal to make God known to the people around you?
How can you be a part of God’s global community, wherever you live?
Enjoy the blessing and the refreshing community provides.
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I think community has to do with the feeling of belonging. It isn’t just sharing space or being together but feeling connection.
Thank you for this reminder, Susan! Living with a focus on ‘community’ can be messy at times, but it is also filled with great blessings and wonderful opportunities to make God known. Blessings!
The world would be a lot better with more community. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week.
Community can help us a lot!
This video makes my heart dance!!!!!!!
Great post. My word this year is connection. To me, that means connection with family, neighbors, and community. Thank you for a great reminder of the importance of connecting with those around us, regardless of their differences. We have so many so much in common as well, sometimes we just have to look a little harder to find it.
Great video! Thanks for sharing! Thanks for the linkup!
In our ministry care meeting yesterday at church, we were discussing this entire issue of intentional community and communicating care. Lovely post! Blessings!
As an introvert, I understand the importance of community, but I don’t choose to be around too many people for too long!
I just recently did some writing for my church’s website in which I walked through a lot of the early lineage of Abraham and his family. The whole story amazes me just as much now as it ever did…maybe more! Thank you for this week’s link up!
Wycliffe is such an important ministry! Thank you for all you share here and for hosting us each week.
One of my most treasured communities, is the faith blogging community where I have only received encouragement and love.
Thanks for hosting!
Love being in community with you Susan.
thanks for sharing, Susan. I was with Wycliffe about 5 years and loved being a part of their great focus of the Word.
I hope your February is getting off to a great start!
Love the ministry of Wycliffe, and Susan, thank you for all you do to foster community here in this little safe place in the great wide world of blogging.