Have you experienced loss or grief? Ever? Are you ready to be in a brighter, healthier place in your life? Me too. See why I do what I do in…
The Transition out of Grief and into Grace is a Journey For me, I help others because I feel the need to walk them through the same transformation that…
March out BOLDLY… (GO…) Exodus 14:13-14 excerpts: The Lord said to Moses: (You DO this…) Tell the people to go here… Raise Stretch I will: (then I DO this…)…
Learn more about why I wrote Dance With Jesus in this video. To preorder the book go to: http://bit.ly/DanceWithJesusBook.
R E S T. Rest assured. How does that word make you feel? …
I heard someone say a person with a Bible marked up lives a life not messed up. WOW! That stopped me in my tracks. Why? I NEVER wanted to…
Seriously, God? Have You seen my list? It is L O N G. It’s my husband’s birthday. People are coming. There is SO much to do. So many things on…
Daniel 11:36 [The King Who Exalts Himself ] “The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God…
Demean = cause a severe loss in the dignity of and respect for (someone or something), degrade, humiliate, shame, mortify, undignified, debase, lower, degrade, discredit, devalue Redeem = compensate for…
Thanksgiving = An act of giving thanks; an expression of gratitude; grateful acknowledgment of benefits or favors; an expression of thanks to God; a public act of religious observance or…