Ever felt your world turn black? Hope Prevails SBM Depression settles in and unsettles you as it pulls the curtains on the world and everything simply turns black. It’s so…
I found something you may want to tap into…#WhyBible. Wycliffe Bible Translators USA Launches #WhyBible Campaign to Spark Discussion of Scripture’s Relevance to Modern Life ORLANDO — July 5,…
Are we lawless? Or are we deeply loved by our great God above? 22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,…
If we would get along, then our world would be a better place, right? Right, I thought the same thing, so let’s dig a little deeper. Is there someone you…
Good morning! I’m Holt, Susan’s husband, and this is my first blog post filling-in for her today. Unfortunately, Susan’s had a second trip to the doctor due to another encounter…
I love everything about wading in the shallow end of the water: The aqua color The reviving coolness The awareness that I’ve stepped into the water The safety of the…
The great dream of the world is to be HAPPY, right? Isn’t that the eternal quest we are on, seeking the truth of happiness? But what does happy look like…
Mentors. I don’t even have time to search for answers much less mentors. I just need to keep going. Is that you too? The problem with plowing through the field is…
Sarah Travis asked me to write a post for her while she was enjoying her new “Mum” status as this precious Brit says about being a mother. So step off…
It’s so good to see you here today… Welcome to Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday’s Linky Party #107! Join Us as a Hostess During The Month of July ⇒…