I Believe – Linkup

I believe what you need is found in Me
I believe what you need is Me.
I believe all you need is found in Me.
I believe all you need is Me.

I AM The Lord Your Creator and King I AM… Your everything. I believe what you need is found in Me I believe what you need is Me. I believe all you need is found in Me. I believe all you need is Me, God whispers. Want to hear more?

Don’t you cry
Sweet little guy
There’s no need for that.

Don’t you sob
For a lost heart throb
There’s no need for that.

Look to Me
Oh, don’t you see
What you need
Is found in Me?

I’m here for you
Don’t be blue
What you need
Is found in Me.

I AM The Light
Of the world
So come
To gather round.

Look to My Word
Let it be heard
The Truth is what
You’ve found.

I believe what you need is found in Me
I believe what you need is Me.
I believe all you need is found in Me.
I believe all you need is Me.

My Word is true
I wrote it for you
To guide you back
To Me.

So bend your knee
And come to Me
Bow before your Lord.

Let truth resound
As Heaven comes down
The Spirit, Hope
And the Sword.

Lift your hands
In holy praise
Honor My Son
Whom I did raise

From death to life
I turn the tide
From Me you
Cannot hide.

The faith of a seed
Is all you need
To move that mountain

I AM The Lord
Your Creator and King
Your everything.

I believe what you need is found in Me
I believe what you need is Me.
I believe all you need is found in Me.
I believe all you need is Me.

You turn and run
From The Vine,
Your Lord, your God,

Bound and broken
Horrors unspoken
Fear rattles
Through your bones.

Yet I see clearly
All you need
Is the Love
You’ve found in Me.

So turn around
And listen My child
Let Me break
Those chains.

My yoke is easy
And My burden light
I carried that cross
For you.

Life’s not over
You’re not through
Let Me come
To you.

Open your arms
And your heart
From you I will
Not depart.

Children sing
Songs of old
Jesus loves me
This I’m told.

Listen closely
My sweet child
It’s the truth
My love is real.

I believe what you need is found in Me
I believe what you need is Me.
I believe all you need is found in Me.
I believe all you need is Me.

The windows open late at night. Songs drift in on the gentle breeze. Holt says he doesn’t hear anything. I tiptoe to the living room to write what I hear. Wonder who is singing to me?

I believe…

Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.
Genesis 15:6 (NIV)


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37 thoughts on “I Believe – Linkup

  1. Beautiful, Susan! At my church we often sing the chorus, “He’s All I Need.” Your poem made me think of it. It’s so true, all we need can be found in Him.

  2. Very well said! I love the poem and thank you for the encouragement to keep believing and trusting in Him. Wishing you a blessed week.

    1. Thanks Jed! God sure whispers Trust Me and Believe to me…a L O T! Guess I need His reminders, huh, Jed? Have a blessed week too my friend.

  3. Beautiful poetry, sweet friend. May you continue to hear God sing His precious messages to your heart! I’ve been away from the link up for a while, but I’m glad to be back! Will I see you this summer at Declare?

    1. Oh, it’s so good to see you here Kristine. A book launch is all consuming plus end of school year for a teacher – Let me guess what’s had you busy?! Yes, ma’am, I’ll be at Declare. Hugs, Susan

    1. Oh yes, peace, Mari-Anna! The peace of God that prevails. So glad we have invited Jesus in, right?! May God continue to bless you too, sweet friend. Hugs, Susan

    1. Amen, I believe too Ifeoma! You are most welcome – I love how God whispers words into our hearts that inspire fresh belief. Hugs! Susan

    1. You are welcome for the morning inspiration my friend! Believe. Me too. It’s so good when we hear the whispers of God that are meant for us and others, isn’t it?! Hugs, Susan

  4. Susan,
    Beautiful words and oh so true – all we need is found in Him. Christ came, most of all, to give us the gift of Himself and a relationship with Him and the Father, through Him. Loved this…

    1. Oh, Bev, your words bless me. He is all we need. Gift and gift giver – all at the same time. So honored you loved this! Hugs, Susan

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