Into the Arms of God

We are honored by Miranda Gonzalez’s words today in the Birthday Beach Party and Blog Tour.

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Miranda is a homeschooling mother of 5 who loves Jesus and her husband. She was a teen mom and spent many years addicted to drugs and bad living. Since becoming a Christian 5 years ago, she tries to please God and live right, although sometimes it’s an uphill battle. You can find her blogging at Rahab to Riches about her faith, her family, and essential oils.

Miranda GonzalezTeenage Addict into the Arms of God

I was addicted to drugs at a young age. The first time I ever got drunk was when I was 13, and it was all downhill from there.

By 14 I was a regular stoner and smoked a few packs of cigarettes a week. 14 was also the age that I first did coke. It probably wasn’t a surprise to anyone I knew that I ended up pregnant at 15 and a half, a mom at 16.

If only my addiction had stopped there. But it didn’t.

My ex and I would do coke and party all weekend, then fight as he tried to find a job all week. When my daughter was about 10 months old, I moved out and back in with my mom and met a new guy. Not a better guy, just a new one.

This guy introduced me to meth, which was to become my BFF for the next 3 years. It was during this time that I did some of the most depraved, wicked things you could think of. Luckily I didn’t drag my precious daughter through the fire with me-my mom took care of her during this lowest of all lows in my life.

But the meth. It consumed my soul. It owned me. I was a slave to the drug. A willing victim to it’s power over my life. There is so much I could write about this time of my life, a whole books worth, and maybe someday I will.

For this post though, I want to focus on how God led me and protected me, even when I was running as fast as I could away from Him.

There were many times during those spun out years that I found myself in some extremely dangerous situations with some really bad people.

I don’t know why God chose to protect me during those years, especially when so many people perish or never get away from the drugs. I do know that if I had died in that time, Heaven would not have been my destination. I am so grateful He brought me through those times and into His arms.

To continue to Miranda’s page to read the rest of her post, Click here

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8 thoughts on “Into the Arms of God

  1. Miranda,

    The verse you used is the ONLY verse underlined in Kyle’s Bible. It was read at his funeral. And the title? From teenage addict into the arms of God?! INDEED!

    I was in tears reading your beautiful words and hearing your struggle. How magnificently God ordained our “cyber-meeting” and this story!

  2. Yes Miranda! Girl, you keep speaking your story to everyone who will listen. God is using each and every hurt, fear, and bad decision to free others from the bondage of addiction and so many other issues. Shine, Jesus, shine and my God bless you, Miranda, as you point others to Him!

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