Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground. ~ Ephesians 6:13
I am so honored to feature Michelle Moore’s writing here today. Michelle is described as real, engaging and practical. She is the author of Arm Yourself: Equipping Ourselves with the Armor of God which she self-published in the fall of 2014. She is also the creator of the blog, My Heart’s Song, which is endorsed by Family Christian Store and posts a weekly devotion, as well as offering books, concerts, movies and music reviews and giveaways. She has a passion for women in helping them to navigate through the negative stigma of mental illness. Michelle is also a down to earth speaker who is able to break down biblical principles and relate them to the modern day woman.
We women can take a long time getting ready in the morning. We have our showers which involves shaving and washing our hair. Then there is the process of drying our hair and if you have that thick, wavy hair that is very long, like me, you might as well stand under the dryers at the car wash! Then there is the makeup which is an art. The lipstick, eyeliner, foundation… my boys are fascinated watching me “put my face on” for the day.
Then if you didn’t have your clothes laid out the night before, you stand there pondering your choices, or lack of. What mood am I in…yellow, pink, or blue? Let’s not forget the shoes that will complement our outfit. Then we add the frosting on the cake- accessories! Lord knows I love me some earrings, big ones too! I am a Texan so the bigger the better in hair and earrings. Then we announce that it is time to go and leave while our husbands gasp for air from the hairspray that fills the entire back part of the house and the children who have nearly completely undone themselves by the time we’re ready to walk out the door.
We are ready to face the world…or are we? Perhaps I might have exaggerated the process of getting ready, but I do not want to neglect the vital importance of putting on the most important thing… the Armor of God. No amount of makeup, hairspray or jewelry will ever replace the confidence we get from knowing we are prayed up and equipped spiritually to handle whatever comes our way.
[Tweet “The Armor of God is something I have learned to pray on every single day of my life!”]I reached a point in my life about three years ago and faced a very dark personal crisis. I have a history of battling depression and anxiety that stems from my childhood and circumstances beyond my control. I battled suicidal thoughts and lost all reason, desire and hope for my future. BUT, this is when the sweet Holy Spirit stepped in. God refused to let me believe I was a lost cause and so did my family.
In my journey of self-discovery through God’s word, I, instead, discovered who God was and who He said I was. When my vision began to align with His vision, the chains that held me down were broke off…little by little. By no means was this an overnight thing. Even to today I am being shown things in my life that need to be removed or corrected but with the love from a God that knows me inside and out. He saw every tear I cried, every sleepless night, He held my hand through every darkest night and I know He will never let me go.
[Tweet “The study of Ephesians 6 saved my life!”]I know God has led me down this road to point others to His light. With this perspective, I am able to overcome for myself, for my children and women all over the world that struggle with the debilitating condition of depression and anxiety. I invite you to go on this journey with me and together we can learn how to arm ourselves!
Please visit the link below to purchase Michelle Moore’s book Arm Yourself: Equipping Ourselves with the Armor of God, also available online wherever books are sold.
Purchase your copy of Arm Yourself Book
Connect with Michelle:
Blog: myhearts-song
Twitter: @MichelleM_MHS
Here’s the FUN part…comment below with WHY you would like a copy of Arm Yourself to be entered into the drawing.
Someone will win ONE FREE copy. Notification will be sent to the winner on August 6, 2015. They will have 48 hours to reply with their mailing address. If no response is received in that timeframe, another name will be selected and this process followed until we have a winner. Ready, set, go!
What a great truth! It doesn’t matter what we are wearing, if we don’t have Jesus!
Yes!!!! This is great and thank you for this post. Let’s armor up!
Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of ‘Arm Yourself’. This sounds like something I can use–lots! thx
I like that, “When my vision began to align with His vision.” To see His full vision for our lives or for the world would be so amazing, heart breaking, full of awe. I understand why He doesn’t show it to us all at once.
Good morning. I put on the armor every morning and every night as I lay in bed just before sleep. I battle anxiety and depression daily. Some days are better than others. It is those negative thoughts that get me going then snowballs……….
I battle depression off and on. While I try to maintain my connection with the Lord through prayer and Bible Study, I must say I have been lax in praying on the armor daily. I believe this book would encourage me and strengthen my resolve to not only pray on the armor daily but also teach others to do the same. Thank you Michelle for your post it was exactly what I needed today.
I think I would enjoy a copy of the book.
Arming our selves with God’s word is something we should commit to daily.
I hope to win.
Thanks again
Nice to meet Michelle.
Going over to check out her blog.
Many Blessings to you Susan